Chapter 20

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Chapter 16: Heroes of Konoha

Konohamaru was not in a good mood. He was being chased by an Oto-nin, after Konohamaru had seen the nin steal Naruto's scroll, which was now in Konohamaru's possession. The young boy was currently weaving his way through the village, desperately trying to lose his pursuer.

"Damn," He cursed aloud as he skidded around a corner. 'I can't let Boss down!'

Konohamaru had started referring to Naruto as boss ever since the Naruto had taught him the Kage Bunshin, just after the second round of the Chuunin Exams.

"See?" Konohamaru grinned at Naruto, who watched the youth perform several minor ninjutsu and Taijutsu skills with interest. "Think I will be able to avenge my old man now?"

"Not bad," Naruto had to admit, "You have come along nicely. And your information is very useful." Naruto had learnt a lot from the young boy, who had managed to steal several of Danzo's records with a degree of skill Naruto would have found rare in someone twice Konohamaru's age. "As a reward, I will teach you how to do this," Naruto grinned, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

"What's so good about that?" Konohamaru scowled, and then yelped when Naruto's Bunshin picked him up. "Hey! It's solid!"

"A Kage Bunshin is solid, and is capable of transferring its memories to the creator after it has been defeated. There are other bonuses but I will let you find them out for yourself, now listen to my instructions."

Several attempts later and Konohamaru had finally managed to produce a semi-acceptable Kage-Bunshin. It looked paler and frailer than Konohamaru, but was enough to fool anyone who didn't pay much attention to the Sandaime's grandson.

"Not bad, I wouldn't recommend using it in combat, but if you practice pranks using it you will surely get it mastered. I wouldn't recommend attempting more than one Bunshin. It looks like you have inherited a great deal of Chakra, far greater than many Chuunin could have. It is nowhere near mine, but I have an unfair advantage so you shouldn't worry about that," Naruto scratched the back of his head, "And that's about it."

"Thanks boss!" Konohamaru grinned.

"Boss?" Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Think nothing of it Kono."

"Kono?" Konohamaru tilted his head.

"Saying (A/N: And typing) Konohamaru all the time is a pain," Naruto waved a hand dismissively, "Think of it as a code name."

"Hai!" Konohamaru grinned.

"Now get back to what you do best," Naruto smiled slightly, "And maybe next time I will teach you a new offensive attack."

"Hai!" Kono looked ready to burst after such an announcement, and raced off to find something worthy of bringing to Naruto's attention.

'Do you think that is a wise idea?'

'Sure, the kid will make a valuable ally when I take over this place.' Naruto shook his head and walked away. 'When I am Hokage, I will bring about a new age of peace.'

'By killing all who don't agree with you?'

'Is there any other way?'

Kono ducked under a hastily tossed kunai as he raced down Konoha's main streets. The Oto-nin and Konoha forces where now pretty evenly matched in numbers, although Konoha had a much stronger force. While this meant that Konoha would probably win, it also meant that no-one could help Konohamaru.

"I have only got one shot at this..." Kono concentrated and as he turned a corner into an alley way muttered, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

An almost perfect copy of Konohamaru materialised, the only difference being that the Bunshin was almost three inches taller than the real thing.

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