Chapter 3: Old Friends, New Rivals

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Chapter 2: Old Friends, New Rivals

"What?" Sasuke slammed his fist on Danzo's desk.

"Keep your subordinates in line, Kakashi." Danzo glared at Kakashi, who put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder. "As I was saying, we have only one C-rank mission and Kurenai had already reserved it, ah her she is."

Kurenai, tailed by the two Kunoichi and one retired mercenary, entered the room.

"Kakashi," Kurenai looked at Kakashi before stifling a grin.

"Still can't look me in the face huh?" Kakashi sighed.

"I can't help it," Kurenai chuckled, "I just remember what's behind you mask and..."

"Wait, you saw behind Kakashi-sensei's mask?" Kiba pushed Sasuke roughly to the side and bounded up to Kurenai, "You are my idol Kurenai-sensei! What did he look like?"

"Can't tell you." Kurenai smiled then turned to Danzo. "I am here for our mission."

"So I see," Danzo nodded and handed the scroll holding the mission information to Kurenai. "You are to escort a bridge builder from here to Wave Country. Currently he is out drinking, so you are have a day to rest and get prepared. Tomorrow you will leave, understood."

"Hai," Kurenai nodded and turned to leave when Sasuke yelled out.

"What? How come they get priority?" the Uchiha demanded.

"They prepared their request first," Danzo replied.

"There is no way they can take on a C rank!" Sasuke pointed at Hinata, "She is too weak to..." SNAP

Sasuke went pale and looked at his finger, which was now bent at a right angle to the rest of his hand.

"Don't insult my comrades or you will die. Do you understand?" Kitsune's voice was filled with killing intent.

"How dare you break my finger?" Sasuke pulled his hand free, trying to reshape his finger, but only causing himself more pain.

"Please," Danzo held his hands up, "Must you fight?"

"I am sorry, Sasuke Uchiha." Kitsune sighed. "I am a little...stressed."

"Apology accepted, I too am a little...stressed right now." Sasuke bowed slightly, shocking all present.

"You know, you're not too bad," Kitsune grinned. "Most grown men would have fainted from that killing intent."

"I have witnessed worse." Sasuke flinched as he recalled the slaughter of his clansmen.

"So I have heard." Naruto scowled underneath the mask. He had heard from Itachi about Sasuke's past, which reminded Naruto of a favour he had agreed with Itachi, "I have a proposal, Danzo sir."

"Oh, what is it N...Kitsune-sama?" Danzo let the N slip on purpose, to remind 'Kitsune' it was he that held Naruto's life in his hand.

"Send both teams." Kitsune noted the not-so-accidental slip.

"On a simple escort mission," Danzo stood up, "Such methods would be overkill."

"I have a knack for survival, sir, and I believe that two squads are required." Kitsune leant forward.

"Is that so...well I will acknowledge your request."

"Kitsune, may I have a quick word with you?" Kakashi smiled.

"Sure, Kakashi-sensei," Kitsune nodded and followed Kakashi from the room; Kakashi used a Secrecy Jutsu and turned to Kitsune, looking serious.

"Why did you request both teams?" Kakashi asked, "Is something going to happen?"

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