Chapter 8

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Chapter 7: Showdown in Tree Town, an Explosive Climax!

It was a rather one sided battle. The majority of Gato's forces were laying siege to Tsunami's house, meaning only a select few were guarding the base, and they never stood a chance against an entire army of Kitsunes, although one soldier had taken down five Bunshin Kitsunes before being defeated by the original.

"Tedious," Kitsune yawned. "Hardly worth the effort." He staggered forwards. 'Damn...I guess the pill's effects wore off. How much longer till I can use your Chakra?'

'So...tired...five more minutes...' The sound of snoring echoed in his thoughts.

"Well aren't you helpful." Kitsune growled.

"Yo, Kitsune," Kiba walked up to Kitsune, his face pale white.

"What is it?"

"You should see this." Kiba lead the way to the central building. "In here."

"Wait, I can sense something," Kitsune frowned. "A ritual has been performed inside, have you been inside?"

"Yeah," Kiba scowled, "I felt all uneasy, but I thought that was due to the guy in there."

"The guy?" Kitsune scowled beneath his mask.

"Yeah...he is...well in pieces." Kiba paled.

"I scared him that much?" Kitsune shook his head.
"I was being literal. He has been cut into pieces, and he is still alive! Some sick bastard cut off all of his limbs and his head, but used some weird Chakra field to keep him alive!"

"That would be the ritual." Kitsune shivered. "Kiba, get Tazuna and everyone then leave. Immediately."

"Do you know who did that?" Kiba didn't like Kitsune's tone. He usually sounded either bored or excited. Now he sounded terrified.

"Kitsune...if it is who you think...can you win?" Kiba asked, fearing the answer.

"Kiba..." Kitsune reached up and removed his mask, handing it to Kiba. "I don't stand a chance. Even with my Red Chakra, I would be brutally slaughtered. Last time we thought, I was lucky to escape with my life. At the moment, I am tired and without my Red Chakra, yet if I do not engage her, she will kill you and Tazuna and Shino and everyone I aim to protect. She will not sleep; she will not rest until she has had her fight with me."

"Naruto?" Kiba blinked as the unmasked Kitsune faced him. The whiskers were still there and his blue eyes were present, but rather than the cheerful spirit they held when they were younger, now they held a sort of world weary look to them. That and there were several small scars littering Naruto's face, made Kiba wonder if it really was the same Naruto he had once known.

"Tell everyone I'm sorry." Naruto smiled weakly, drew his katana and walked into the central building.

"Oh gods..." Kiba turned to see Shino escorting Tazuna. "We have to get Kakashi-sensei!"

"Is that Kitsune's mask?" Shino asked.

"Kitsune is going to try and buy us some time, he was scared damn it!" Kiba ran a hand through his hair. "We need to get reinforcements quickly!"

"Hai," Shino nodded, "You find the others, and I'll escort Tazuna and his family home.

Inside the building, Naruto was trying his best not to throw up. The body had been skilfully cut into several segments, with the foul Ritual keeping all the organs, which were on a table opposite the head, functioning so that the recipient of the torture could see how his internal organs worked. The head turned to face Naruto, with tears in his eyes.

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