Chapter 12

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Chapter 11: Snake in the Grass

Kitsune and his team stood assembled outside the ever so lovely named forest of death.

"Why is it always 'the forest of death' or the 'forbidden forest' and so on? Why are they never called the forest of happy, fuzzy bunnies that will not try and kill you?" Kitsune wondered aloud.

"Maybe because the Forest of Fluffy Bunnies doesn't exactly strike fear into new Genin," Sakura shivered slightly. "I did not like the look on that Anko woman's face."

"Neither did I, knowing Anko it means we are about to be put from severe hell," Kitsune shivered.

'That Grass-nin has been watching us for some time,' Kyuubi commented.

'I know; something is out of place about her.' Kitsune turned to Hinata, "Where is Little Naruto?"

"I left him at home; I didn't want him getting hurt." Hinata smiled.

"Ah," Kitsune nodded. "Not many got through huh?" Kitsune indicated the few teams remaining, "Looks like almost all of Konoha has got through though."

"So it does," Sasuke responded as he and the rest of team Kakashi joined up with Team Kurenai. "I wonder what the second test will be."

"Alright maggots!" Anko yelled cheerfully. "Here we are! Now then, before we start sign these!" She produced a set of wavers.

"What are they for?" Kankuro asked.

"Let's see..." Kitsune read aloud, "Konoha will not be held responsible for any wounds, psychological trauma, sexual abuse, name calling and loss of life that happens with the Forest of Death; in short you enter of your own free will and pay the consequences yourself."

"Psychological Trauma?" Kiba scowled.

"Sexual Abuse?" Sakura panicked.

"NAME CALLING?" Kitsune roared then noticed the looks from the other Genin. "What? I undergo constant Psychological trauma, wounds are nothing to me, I risk my life regularly and it's only a matter of time until Anko..."

"What was that?" Anko appeared, arms wrapped around Kitsune, her hands slowly travelling down Kitsune's chest.

"My point is proved." Kitsune sighed.


"Saved by Kure-chan again," Anko grinned as she walked away. "As you have all no doubt noticed, I am not the only Jounin here. We are going to play a little game. Each of your teams will be given a scroll. It is your job to make it to the tower with this scroll. Simple enough right?"

"What's the catch?" Kitsune asked.

"Glad you asked," Anko walked in front of the assembled Genin, her Kunai pressed against her lips. "You will have three days to do so, and you are free to attack one another, although your main concern will be the Jounin, who have orders to take you down." Anko grinned. "Those Jounin include me, Kakashi Hatake, Kurenai Yuuhi, Asuma Sarutobi and Maito Gai, and most of us have two Chuunin for backup. You have to avoid us on the way to the tower. Still want to sign those..." Anko stopped short as Kitsune handed out his form. "You want to give in?"

"Hell no, I signed it while you were blabbering." Kitsune tilted his head as Anko took the form.

"Blabbering?" Anko grinned evilly and raised her killing intent. "Oh now I hope I come across you and your team."

"You're all talk, Anko-chan," Kitsune raised his to double hers.

"Is that so, Kitsune-chan?" Anko's was now double Kitsune's.

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