Chapter 2: Its Starts with a Funeral

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Oops I forgot to publish this first

Chapter 1: It starts with a funeral...

The rain poured down on the grievers as they stood in memory of the great leader they once followed. The Sandaime Hokage had passed away, assassinated in his sleep by a skilled assassin.

Kakashi took in the large amount of grieving Nin, noting the large amount of Nin from foreign countries. He was given a mission by the late Hokage, as he lay dying from the poison, and would fulfil it. Pakkun pawed at his leg. "He's here boss."

"Understood," Kakashi walked up to the cloaked figure that Pakkun indicated. "Excuse me?"

"Yes?" The cloaked figure turned around. The black cloak covered his entire figure, and an ANBU style mask with a fox's face covered the figure's face.

"May I ask what your relationship with Sarutobi-sama was...?" Kakashi politely requested.

"He old friend." The masked figure's voice was choked with emotion.

"Let it out...Naruto," Kakashi laid a hand on the figures back, leading him away from the funeral and towards Ibiki and Anko, who were sat drinking.

"Got him Kakashi?" Anko looked up.

"Yeah," Kakashi allowed the youth to sit down.

"How long has it been, Uzumaki?" Ibiki poured the boy some Sake.

"Too long," Naruto took the sake and downed it. "I can't believe the old man has..."

"Why did you come back?" Anko asked.

"...He was assassinated," Naruto replied, "I am here to avenge the old man."

"Naruto..." Kakashi shook his head, "You know that just being here is dangerous for you."

"I know but..." Naruto scowled behind his mask, "No one gets away with hurting those who are precious to me."

"Give him it," Ibiki commanded Kakashi.

"Alright...the Hokage asked me to give you this..." Kakashi pulled a small envelope out from a pocket, and handed it to Naruto, who opened it cautiously. Inside were a letter and a key.

'Dear Naruto,

If you are reading this then it appears I passed away before your return to the village. I just wanted to tell you, I am sorry I failed you. This key was entrusted to me by your father, he never told me what it opened, but said that you would find what it opened if you were meant to. He was a bit weird like that. Still...I hope you can forgive me for not telling you about your family and about the burden you bear.

Love Your Old Man.'

Naruto started sobbing, "He thinks he failed me? I'm the S-Rank Mercenary who kills people for money...I am the one who failed him!"

"You don't need to be the Mercenary Kitsune-sama anymore; you can put that behind you." Ibiki offered Naruto another bowl of Sake, which he accepted.

"How?" Naruto frowned.

"The 'Acting' Hokage," Ibiki put emphasis on the word Acting, "Had agreed to Sarutobi's request that you be granted immunity from your crimes if you returned and pledged loyalty to Konoha."

"Who is this acting Hokage?" Naruto asked.

"Danzo, head of ANBU Root," Kakashi scowled behind his mask.

"You don't like him?" Naruto picked up on Kakashi's mood change.

"No...he was always undermining Sarutobi and trying to have you killed before you left."

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