Chapter 13

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Chapter 12: The Death of Kitsune

"Kebari Senbon," Jiraiya launched a volley of needles made from his hair at Orochimaru, who leapt out of the way.

"You're getting old, Jiraiya," Orochimaru chuckled. "Is this really the best that a Hokage can do?"

"Damn it, I let you live back then but this time I am going to kill you!" Jiraiya started forming seals, "Katon: Dai Endan!" A large ball of fire charged at Orochimaru, reducing the forest around it into ashes as it charged towards Orochimaru.

"Please, is this the limit of a Kage's power?" Orochimaru chuckled as the simply leapt away from the attack.

"You do a lot of talking for someone who is only evading," Jiraiya scowled. Turning to Tsunade he said, "Get the Genin and Jounin out of here, this is a personal battle and I sure as hell can't focus having to protect them."

"Bringing personal issues to a fight will only kill you," Anko lifted Kitsune up, "That's what Kitsune here told me. He was damn near right as well."

"Just take him to the hospital!" Jiraiya bit his thumb, "let's end this, Orochimaru!"

"With pleasure!" Orochimaru responded by biting his own thumb.

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu!" they yelled together.

The forest exploded as the two giant summons tore up the forest with their arrival.

"Hmm? What is it Jiraiya, if I'm here to impress some girl, I swear I am voiding the contract between us." Gamabunta grumbled.

"I wish," Jiraiya sighed, "It looks like we'll have to finish off this snake."

"Oh! I always wanted to get my wife a snakeskin purse. By the looks of that thing, I can make her a full snake skin wardrobe!" Gamabunta drew his blade and grinned.

"What isss thisss? You'd better have a good reassson for sssuomoning me Orochimaru!" Manda roared.

"I need you to deal with a certain toad," Orochimaru chuckled.

"I demand sssix hundred sssacrificesss for thisss!" Manda hissed and turned his attention to the giant toad stood opposite. "I will enjoy eating you, toad."

"Hey Bunta," Jiraiya grinned, "Gimme some oil!"

"Hehe...we're going have a Snake Barbeque!" Gamabunta spat toad oil as Jiraiya started forming the hands seals for a Katon Jutsu. "Gamayu Endan," he yelled and spat fire at the steam of oil, causing it to ignite and race towards the Snake Summon boss.

"Manda!" Orochimaru hissed, "Dive under the earth!"

"Why ssshould I lisssten to you?" Manda hissed as he burrowed under the earth.

"Where'd he go?" Jiraiya asked.

"Hmm...I can't see him anywhere."Gamabunta leapt into the air. "Oh, there you are."

"I will feassst upon your flesssh!"Manda hissed as he erupted from the ground.

"I doubt that!" Gamabunta brought his blade down cutting one of Manda's eyes in half, causing it to disperse in a cloud of smoke. "Damn it! He fled!"

"Thanks for the help Bunta," Jiraiya looked down into the forest, "I'll have to get a hold of Orochimaru before he gets to the Genin."

"I hope you actually finish him off this time," Gamabunta stated as he dispersed into smoke.

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