
433 11 1

Made November 17, 2019

Edited May 13, 2022

Fira POV

2 days earlier

Fira Sans Gaster: Age: 5

Walking was a pain, literally. I was walking in a beautiful place, little blue and yellow dots everywhere that I looked at the moist terrain. And when I looked up, there were larger beautiful blue and sparkly dots in the sky. Or… ceiling? I wasn't sure. But I paid it no mind. I continued to look around at my surroundings.

Blue flowers swished and swayed softly, echoing things monsters have said. It had surprised me at first. But the echos kept me company. Something I've never had before.

I continued down the corridor leaning against the wall when something I've never seen before blocked my path. It was strange and green and tall and...the perfect cover to rest in. For a little bit anyway.

But I knew I was still too close to the lab. I had to keep moving and find a safe place to hide. I got up and kept moving forward. Until I saw something else new. It was white and it was everywhere! The sky(?), the ground, just….everywhere. It was beautiful. I saw different structures from up ahead from where I was limping and decided to hide behind them to see if I could recover without being discovered. But as I continued to limp behind the structures, the pain started to overcome me and I finally passed out from pain behind what I would come to know as the bar and grill, Grillby’s.

Grillby POV
I was closing up for the night. Washed the tables, the glasses, the booths, etc. And as I was taking out the trash, I spotted a body. A wolf skeleton from the looks of it. They looked to be in pain, so I picked them up and brought them home to my wife. When she saw them she used healing magic on them and let them stay in the guest bedroom.

Two days later

Fira POV

I woke in a room I've never seen before and panicked. A female fire elemental immediately rushed to my side and assured me that I was safe. I wasn't so sure. After hearing the ruckus, a male fire elemental walked in to see what was going on. He spoke to me in a language I didn't understand. I just stared at him.

'What was he saying?' I thought with confused and frantic feelings in my soul.

The two fire elementals seemed to communicate to each other, then the male turned back to me. "Are you ok?" He signed in wingdings. Finally something I understood!

"You know wingdings?" I signed back.

"A friend taught me." He replied. "Please answer my question."

"I'm fine. Thank you." I replied, remembering to use my manners.

"My wife wants to know if you're hungry." He signed. And I once again panicked. "NO,NO! I couldn't possibly take your food after all you've done for me!" I signed a little too fast.

He spoke to his wife in that foreign language I would soon know as the common language and she left the room. "Do you have any family?" He signed

"NO!" I signed once more in a panic. "They um. Abused me.. so I Uh. I ran away." I finished my lie feeling awkward. He was quiet for a long time. "I have a friend that's a skeleton. He would know how to take care of you. He's also the royal scientist."

"NO! NO MORE SKELETONS!" I practically threw my hands every which way to announce that I didn't want to go. I started to cry, breaking down at the thought of going back.

"Ok,ok!" He hugged me in an attempt to comfort me. "I'll see if you can stay here. I'm sure my daughter wouldn't mind having a sister." He left me to rest.

'I'm I finally safe?' I asked myself.

The next day

After dressing in the strangest clothes I've ever seen I was met with an obstacle.

‘Why wasn't the door sliding open like they usually do? And why did this one have something sticking out of it? How curious.’

The door swung open to reveal Grillby, my new father. "Hi! How did you do that?" I signed curiously.

"Do what?" He responded.

"Open the door." I gestured to the offending object.

"You didn't know how to open a door?"

"No. Is that bad?" I started to worry if he was like the doctor and would abuse me. But differently.

"No, no. I'll teach you. Just grab the knob, turn it, and pull." He demonstrated. I tried after his demonstration and grew excited over this discovery. I learned many new things that day. Like what snow was. Or what buildings were. Or how to use silverware.

Then that question came up. "What's your name?" Grillby asked. I couldn't tell him I've been known as EX-1 all my life.

"I don't know." I lied again.

"What? You were never named?"


He sighed. Then nodded and walked away. I didn't see him again until dinner that night. Mom, Flare, and I were already at the table when he came in from outside with some papers in hand. He passed them to me.

"They are fonts. Skeletons are always named after fonts; you can look through them and choose a name that you prefer."
"Oh, thanks!" As I ate I flipped through the fonts, wanting my own name.

Most of my week was actually spent like this. Until..
"Fira." I stated.

"What?" Grillby signed, slightly confused.

"That will be my name. Fira Sans." I explained.

"Ah. I see. It fits you." He signed happily.

"Thanks!" I beamed with a happy face.

"Welcome to the family, Fira."

2 Sans and a Papyrus (Undertale story)Where stories live. Discover now