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Gaster POV

I don't know how Sans, Alphys, and that human child did it, but I'm back. Finally back. And better yet I'm back in the Surface. We had just come into a house. Sans had said that he had a surprise for me and boy was I surprised. Just not in the way Sans was expecting. With a sudden snarl and lunge someone was on top of me, attacking me. How dare they! Sans and Papyrus pulled said person off of me and a jumped up ready to face them. It was a surprise to see my attacker was none other than EX-1. "I'll send you back! I won't let you touch us." She was screaming all sorts of threats. It made sense after what I'd done. She was growling at me, her sockets dark. I only had one response to this. "..Fira.."

Sans POV

I had thought I could surprise dad and Fira. What happened was the opposite. I found Paps and myself pulling her off as she tried to kill dad. Not what I expected. She screamed threats of all sorts, but all dad replied was her name. "..Fira.."

Papyrus POV

I did not expect Sans to bring our father home, what I did expect was big sister's reaction. But I wasn't fast enough to stop her. I know she said dad wasn't nice to her, but seriously! What did he do for her to do this! I helped Sans pull her off dad as she threw threats at him. I looked at him, wondering what his reply would be. It was "..Fira..".

Fira POV

Oh hell no.. I reacted the minute I saw him. I lunged at him and attacked him, trying to rip out his soul. I would crush it and take care of him once and for all. For herself. For Sans. For Papyrus. Before I could get it though, I was pulled off. I didn't bother looking because I already knew it was my brothers. "I'll send you back! I won't let you touch them! I'll kill you if I have to!" I started cursing in WingDings. "..Fira.." he finally replied, but it set me off more. I cursed and struggled and fought to get to him. "DEAR SISTER! PLEASE CALM DOWN!" Paps pleaded. "I got dis Paps." Sans teleported us into a different room. I struggled a bit more before I calmed down. "You can let me go now. I won't kill him. Yet."
"What happened there?"
"My protective instincts kicked in. I promise I won't kill him. But I'm NOT his friend. I'm NOT his kid. I'm going to ask Queen Toriel if I can stay there until I can tolerate staying in the same room as him."
"Huh. Guess tha's fair. Sorry for givin you grief. If I knew that was gonna happen I woulda warned ya beforehand."
"Alright. Well I guess I'll see you later Sans." I teleported off to the Queens home. I knocked on her door and while I waited I thought of him. I hated him. Hate is a strong word, but it matched perfectly with what I felt. I hate him to the core of my soul and if he touches my brothers.. he's going to die. Toriel opened the door. "Oh Fira, my child! What a pleasant surprise!"
"Can I stay here for a bit? I need time away from the house."
Of course! You're always welcome here my child." She lead me in and showed me to the guest bedroom. I then teleported home, collected my things, and set up my new room. This promised to be a problem with Gaster back into the world.

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