Chapter one

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The mountain where the young justice team resides was unusually quiet. I would have thought that Artemis might have killed Wally because there wasn't even a peep from them.

I slowly wandered around The mountainous base in hopes of finding one of my teammates I haven't seen in two months.

Realizing something I return to the ridiculous amount of avengers that had insisted on coming.

Mama Nat came without question, Bucky soon to follow, the man was unusually protective of me and mama Nat although I can't for the life of me figure out why, Steve followed his best friend and nephew (me) to make sure me and his other family members would be safe, peter followed after taking a vacation for two months from school, with Tony and Clint pulling up the rear, Clint followed because he was overly curious about our world, same with tony except also to make sure peter was alright.

"Guys just remember nobody knows mine and Batman's identities, and if anyone were to find out, it could potentially put me and Batman in danger. The teams call us nicknames to replace our real ones, I'm usually called rob and Batman is bats, you'll figure it out as we go, but just remember, this is a very different world from yours and people will react differently to you, just no identity reveals please"

The group of heroes nodded, and slightly jumped when Batman's gravelly voice came over the intercom.

"Team report to mission room"

Before long my second family came barreling in. Upon seeing me, they immediately tackled me in hugs. From underneath the pile of limbs I could just see mama Nat relaxing, and Bucky putting his weapon back in its holster attached to his hip.

"Hey guys it's great to see you, but uhhh can you get off, it's getting a little hard to breathe." The team pulled off looking a little sheepish at their actions.

"Where did you go rob?" KF asked.

"We have missed you my friend" Kaldur greeted showing his leaderly skills.

"Yeah well we were all worried sick" Artemis retorted punching my arm.

"Ok first, ow, second I got teleported into another dimension, it was so cool guys!!" I looked at their faces, and they all showed interest in the subject. Before I could go further, Bruce interjected. (A/N: Bruce banner will not be in this dimension so it will always be Bruce Wayne.)

"Team, this is a group of heroes called the avengers" he explained. The team turned as if just noticing the group of extra people in the room. I mentally smacked my face, making a mental note to teach them how to observe their surroundings.

"They're from an alternate earth, and they're like their world's justice league" I clarified.

"So why did they come here?" Wally asked.

"Oh! We should do introductions!!" M'gann practically shouted.

Steve being the leader he is stepped up to introduce his team. "I'm called captain America but you can call me Steve"

Next mama Nat stood up. "I'm called black widow, but you can call me Natasha."

"I'm Iron man, otherwise known as Tony Stark" tony said proudly.

"I'm called Spider-Man, but you can call me peter."

"I'm known as the winter soldier but I prefer Bucky"

"And I'm called Hawkeye but you can call me Clint"

Kaldur stepped up. "I am aqualad, but when not in the field you can call me Kaldur."

"I'm miss Martian, not in the field you can call me M'gann or Meghan"

"I am Artemis, same in the field of not"

"I'm Superboy" he all but grunted.

"You can call him Connor when we're at the cave, I'm kidflash but you can call me Wally when we're not in the field."

Tony interrupted the introductions. "Why do you guys keep saying 'in the field call me this, but out of the field call me this'?"

"It's secret identities, the world doesn't know were a team, much less our secret identities" i explained.

"Wait what do you mean the world doesn't know you're a team?" Clint asked.

"We're a covert team that branches off the justice league, sure the world may know us when we're with our mentors and recognize us as heroes but only the baddies know we're an actual team" Wally proudly stated.

"Why are you a covert team?" Bucky asked

"It's so we're not in the public eye, especially if they were to put laws restricting superheroes, we could still operate, even the government doesn't know we exist." Artemis replied.

The avengers looked at each other in understanding before turning back to the group.

"I have some questions" uncle Clint asked.

"Ask away" I replied.

"So why is it common for a kid to be a superhero here?" He asked

"We all come from maybe a tragedy or maybe we're loyal to our mentors, but we got into the business one way or another" I said and then I pointedly looked at mama Nat who whacked uncle Clint's shoulder.

"What?" He asked.

"Don't ask questions like that"


An awkward silence ensued.

"Anyway, do you guys want to See a training session, just to ease everyone's minds about us going out there" I asked the avengers.

They nodded at me, I looked pointedly at Bruce, and he nodded.

"Team training exercise, fighting against each other" Bruce commanded.

The team nodded and headed to the training pad.

A cool voice spoke out. "Training session, aqualad vs Superboy, begin" the others stepped off the mat, and I stood over by mama Nat who instinctively put her hands on either shoulder.

Young justice stood there, everyone causally picking sides of the room.

To say it wasn't awkward was a lie

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