Chapter seven

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I had peter re-meet Barbara - even though they've already met, but he can't know that.

We were at school, and it was so far so good.

At Gotham Academy I only had Barbara for a real friend, because everyone else was only trying to be my friend because my father was Bruce Wayne.

People bullied me, because to them I was the outsider, the circus brat, the charity case. They believed that Bruce only took me in because I was an orphan and he needed publicity.

Although I was incredibly smart, I had to act like an idiot, but only enough that my grades were average.

Peter followed me through the halls, as we went to our classes together, and was practically glued to my side, which was understandable because peter Parker was a shy person, but Spider-Man was not.

"Peter you know that people can know your identity here right? Or you can act like you-know-who and nobody would know any better"

"I'm sorry I'm just more comfortable in my shyer persona when I'm not in my other outfit."

Before I could reply I felt a buzzing in my pocket, it wasn't my phone and my eyes widened.

I immediately dragged peter to the bathroom with me, making sure it was empty before locking the main door.

I pulled out a circular communicator that had a T on it.

My current team didn't know about the teen titans and neither did Bruce, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Peter looked at me curiously before looking at the screen and before he opened his mouth I gestured for him to be quiet.

Quickly I put on my mask, and used water to make my hair temporarily spiky, I took off my shirt so I had my robin uniform on and made it so that beast boy wouldn't be able to make out any of my identity.

I answered the phone, and beast boy appeared on the screen.

"Robin, we have a problem and need you ASAP."

"What is the situation beast boy?" I asked.

"It's slade, he left us a message at the tower telling us that he was coming for you and you had to give yourself up or else he'd destroy the city" my eyes widened and my hand started shaking.

I cleared my throat. "I'll be there in a few hours" I hung up, and looked at peter. "Hey Pete you wanna go on a super secret mission?"

He looked confused "why is it so secret?"

"I Uh might not have told you and the avengers and my team and Batman everything about the past, Uh so I may have run away a few years ago and I started my own team, and I'll tell you the rest on the flight, but we can't tell anyone where we're going Okay?"

Peter nodded, and I sighed in relief.

Slade was something i never want to explain to Batman...... ever.

It's part of why I have a whole mom squad for villains, and why Bruce doesn't know about it. 

Peter and I left the school building, and walked until we reached the phone booth that'd take us to the cave. Hopefully nobody is around, especially the avengers.

At the cave

Peter and I snuck around until we were able to put on our superhero personas and almost managed to make it to the landing bay without issue, before I heard tony call us out.

"Dick, peter? What are you doing?" He asked.

Mentally I sighed.

"Ugh nothing tony, just ugh going to patrol Gotham, you know show peter the ropes before it gets dark....."

Tony squinted at me, before slowly taking out his phone, I knew what he was going to do and I started rapidly shaking my head. 

Without breaking eye contact, tony managed to pull up mama Nat's number, putting it on speaker phone.

"Tony, I swear I will end you of this is a prank call" mama Nat answered.

"No, I promise it's not, but your kid and my kid are sneaking off somewhere and dick just lied to me" mentally I was cursing tony, physically though I was breaking a sweat. I definitely didn't want mama Nat to find out about my connection to the villain underworld, because if she found out then Bucky would know and then Steve would know and then boom shakalaka Bruce knows.

It was silent for a few seconds before mama Nat replied. "I'll be right there"

I closed my eyes in defeat before throwing a smoke bomb and temporarily blinding tony, acting fast I grabbed Peter's arm and jumped onto my motorcycle, turning it on, and speeding out of there.

I'm like ninety-nine percent sure that if peter wasn't Spider-Man he'd be a grease stain somewhere behind me.

Peter put my helmet on me before putting his own on, and I immediately receive a phone call from Bruce.

Answering it I hesitantly replied. "H-hey Bruce, What's Uh what's going on?" I asked feigning innocence.

"Where are you?" I could hear the batgrowl from here.

"Uh that is yet to be determined"

"Why is yours and Peter's trackers off." He's in daddybats mode. Yay.

Note my sarcasm.

"Just wanted to show peter the sights, uh, we'll be back in a couple of days so don't go all daddybats on me please" fabulous I could practically feel him glaring. 

"You have ten minutes to get back here before I hunt you down"

"Listen, I know you want to keep me safe but I can handle myself, plus I have back up so don't even worry"

"You have one week, and then I'm coming after you to make sure you're alright"

"Yeah I know I know, just hold back the avengers until then please, especially mama because she's gonna be extremely stressed and she's just as bad if not worse than you"

Bruce chuckled. "I'll try but be safe"

"Sure thing Bruce, See you in a week"

The line clicked, and I made sure they couldn't track me or peter, as we made our way to jump city.

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