Chapter four

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After avoiding it for another twenty minutes, I decided that if I waited any longer and babs found out I was here, she'd kill me.

Casually I walked up to her house in a celebrity disguise because well I'm famous here, and I don't want a bunch of paparazzi attention right now, hence a disguise.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Patiently I waited until the door opened revealing a slightly annoyed looking Barbara.

Recognizing me, she immediately hugged me hard, and I returned it silently, giving her the time she needs.

She pulled back and punched me hard in the shoulder. 

"Don't you ever do that to me ever again!!"

"Hey, it wasn't my fault!!" I whisper exclaimed.

Frankly I'm surprised commissioner Gordon hasn't figured out all the bat's identities yet because he doesn't even know that babs is batgirl.

I heard the commissioner coming, and looked at babs before looking at him.

"Hey dick, how was your trip?" He asked.

Shocked at first but reacting quickly, figuring that Bruce came up with some alibi for my sudden disappearance, I replied. "It was really good, how was Gotham while I was gone?"

"The usual" he replied.

I nodded in understanding.

"Alright well, I'm going to head back to the manor, bye commissioner Gordon, bye babs."

I started to leave, but babs called out. "Wait, I'm coming with you!"

"Barbara, what about gymnastics?" Her dad asked.

"I'll do it next week! My friend who's been gone for two months, just got back and I want to hang out with him"

Commissioner Gordon nodded before Barbara ran up the stairs to get her shoes, but knowing her she was also getting her costume, which I was fine with me because I wanted her to meet mama Nat.

Commissioner Gordon and I sat in comfortable silence before babs practically skipped down the steps.

She hugged her dad, before walking out, and we walked together toward the manor, which wasn't too far away.

Back at the cave, later

Babs and I walked in, she was in civvies but she had her suit on standby in case we had a mission with the team, she had sun glasses on, to keep her identity, but she knew that I revealed mine.

We went into the kitchen to see he young justice team eating, but the avengers were nowhere to be seen.

"Hey guys."

"Hey batgirl" the girls greeted.

"So what do you guys think of the avengers?" I asked, sitting at the breakfast bar, on a stool.

"I like them!!" M'gann exclaimed.

"Well I don't" Artemis grumbled.

"Why?" I asked

"Because they obviously think we can't do our job just because we're teenagers."

"Well they do come from a world where there aren't any sidekicks, and there's only one teen hero, but he's the only one and he's a hero that wasn't a sidekick or partner before he became a vigilante, they feel the need to protect the younger people." I tried to explain.

"But it's different here" Wally replied.

"I know that, and they know that, they made it so I had to stick with peter on patrol, just give them a break"

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