Chapter 10

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We said our goodbyes to the titans, and when we were back on the road, I reiterated why it was important that no one else knew who the titans were, and there was a reason behind why the titans were independent of the justice league.

Mama Nat looked suspicious, but I highly doubt she'd ever figure out I was the apprentice of Slade.

On the way back, peter went with tony and mama Nat rode with me.

I'm so getting lectured.

Mama Nat drove, claiming that I was too young to drive a car much less a motorcycle, but whatever, it's not like I won't ever drive it again.

The drive was silent, and I knew she was waiting for Bucky and uncle Clint before the whole lecture began.

Bruce cared and so did Alfred, they just knew I'd be back and that I could take care of myself.

At the mountain

I'm starting to regret that I accidentally let my full name slip to mama Nat, because she's currently pacing, while Bucky stands in front of the door, and uncle Clint is lurking in the corner, all three have their arms crossed, and all three look very mad.

I sat on the bed, mask long since removed my mask, and feeling sheepish.

"Richard John Grayson, of all the half brain, dim witted....." mama Nat trailed off, ranting under her breath about how I could've died.

"Mama Nat, I'm fine, was fine, and always will be fine, nothing happened, and everything was under control" I tried to reason and was silenced by the threatening glares sent my way.

Wally and his big fat mouth told them about Talia being a villain, but he didn't know about our mother-son relationship.

To him, she's an extremely dangerous villain.

That's why they're biting my head off right now, they thought I was putting myself in danger.

"Mama" I stood up and stopped her pacing. "I'm okay. Nothing happened that would have endangered me. I promise you I'm fine"

Although with slade you have no idea what he's planning.

Mama Nat, although not usually very affectionate, pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

Bucky joined, and not too soon later, uncle Clint does as well.

We pull away, and I lead them all down the hall to go meet everyone else, but I could feel eyes digging into my back, like I was going to run or something.

"Hey guys" I greeted as I saw the young justice team watching a newscast about me and Bruce at some gala event, peter was pouting on the couch, so I could see that he got lectured too.

The avengers were none too happy that peter and I disappeared without telling anyone, but everyone from my universe were all used to it.

I got grunts and nods of the head from the rest of my team.

"How was your trip my friend?" Kaldur asked.

"Good, although the avengers seemed to think I was confronting a villain" I said as I looked pointedly towards Wally.

He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly.

"In my defense they only asked who Talia was" he said.

I glared, and he ran to hide behind Artemis.

"Who's slade?" Bucky suddenly asked.

I paled slightly, but when the rest of the team only shrugged, I let out a silent breath of relief, nobody knew what I did while under his control.

The avengers looked to me, I shrugged before replying "he's a mercenary, a very dangerous one, but he rarely ever engages the justice league. Batman has had a few run-ins with him, but every time he's escaped, so unless you wanna have a pinched face I recommend not mentioning him to the bat"

The avengers looked scared but nodded.

"Wait why would batman punch someone on his side?" Steve asked (A/N: civil war didn't happen, everyone was accepting of Bucky)

"Are you kidding me? He's Batman" Wally exclaimed.

In a stage whisper I replied to Wally. "They don't really know who batman is"

His eyes widened in surprise but seemed to remember that they were from a different dimension, so he stopped gaping. "You know I keep forgetting that you guys aren't from this dimension"

I wanted to facepalm so hard in that moment.

"Anyway, Team I've got something to tell you" the young justice team turned their attention from the screen to me, and I took a deep breath. "It's been a while and I've decided that it's time for me to tell you guys my identity, because I trust you guys"

The team looked at me in shock.

Heh, they're gonna lose their minds.

I peeled off my mask, and introduced myself. "Hey guys, my name is dick Grayson, and I'm Bruce Wayne's ward"

Artemis looked at me unamused. "You little TROLL!!! we've been going to school together for months and you even took a picture of us on the first day!!! I'm gonna kill you boy blunder!!"

She hopped off the couch, and before she could do anything, was met with the wall of humans that was my adoptive family.

She grumbled as she sat back down, and M'gann was looking down in embarrassment.

"Miss M, it's fine, you didn't know it was me" I assured her.

Miss Martian would talk about how I was her celebrity crush all the time, and I couldn't say anything because that would reveal my secret ID, but that didn't mean it wasn't awkward.

"Anywho, I also have come to a decision." The team looked back at me, and I saw a little nervousness in their eyes. "Relax, I've decided that robin needs to retire, but I'm taking on a new hero name, I was thinking Nightwing"

Kaldur looked at me in confusion. "Why did you choose that name my friend?"

"Yeah! And why is robin retiring?" Wally asked.

"Well, I feel that I've outgrown my current persona, and I need some form of change, and as to why that name, Well uncle Clark used to tell me stories about a hero named Nightwing, and I thought it was fitting"

There were nods of understanding, and since we all got that settled, it was time for me to patrol with bats.

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