Chapter six

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The present avengers have been pestering me who talia is for the last hour, but I've been focusing on the crime that's been happening through out my city.

Suddenly I heard a familiar hysterical laugh, that sent shivers down my spine. Quickly I headed in that direction.

Joker was running out of the first bank of Gotmam, cackling, I landed softly.

"Hey Joker, ya miss me?" I asked, folding my arms with a smirk.

"Bird boy? Where have you been, Harley has been worrying my ear off"

"Oh I've been here and there, I'm sure ivy will tell you, annnyyywayy, is there any possible way I can get you to just drop the bags, and turn yourself in?"

"You know I'll never do that"

"Alright, hard way it is then, say hi to Harley, she'll prolly be mad that she missed me"

"Don't I know it"

I flipped, throwing all my momentum into my punch, and joker staggered back.

"Ouch birdboy, that hurt, too bad this'll hurt more" he lunged for me, and punched me in the face with dizzying force.

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw the assassins fighting his goons. Quickly I pushed my utility belt that sent a distress signal to Batman and got my head in the space to fight a crazy person.

"I see you've been practicing your punches, that one almost hurt" I teased, ready for him this time, jumping out of the way just when he threw another punch, causing him to stumble, only succeeding to make him more mad, and believe me a mad joker isn't ever a good thing. 

"Didn't we teach you a lesson in manners, boy wonder, or does it need to be retaught?" He asked. I shivered, that wasn't a fun time, lucky for me Harley walked in, I still have his name carved into my skin.

"If I recall correctly, Harley wasn't very happy with you that night" I reminded him, dodging a punch as his face darkened.

I felt myself getting tired, gosh darn the avengers and not letting me get my routine down, my muscles have grown weaker in my time with them.

I mentally cursed, and prayed that Batman would get here soon. I almost groaned when I remembered that I had to get into shaped again in order to deal with Gotham criminals correctly.

I dodged punch after punch until I saw a dark figure loom behind the joker.

Smirking I put my hands on my knees, "took you long enough, and I know I know, I have to get back into shape, I don't need the disappointed frown, thank you"  I spoke to Batman, giving everyone pause in their activities. When the goons realized who it was, they bolted, leaving joker in our hands.

He turned around only to get socked in the face by the dark knight, knocking him out.

"Wow, I forgot how much Gotham's villains can move, I'm going to start doing my routine again, and before you get your bat nickers in a twist, I'm fine, just a little out of shape, the avengers world doesn't quite take the amount of skill that Gotham requires." Batman nodded, tying joker up to a street lamp.

"It's time for bed" Batman simply said. The avengers looked at him in shock, they weren't used to him talking.

"Oh please you're one to talk, mr 'I only need one hour of sleep a night'" I mocked, he raised an eyebrow at me and I raised my hands, in surrender "Alright Alright Fine, I'm going" I looked to the assassins. "Come on guys, we have to get back, spiderboy and I have school in the morning"

Clint snorted, and both mama Nat and Bucky smirked.

Separating from Batman, I lead the others back to the zeta tubes that would lead us to the cave so I could finally go to sleep.

Tonight had been a long night.

When we got back, I was sore and tired. Taking it criminals when you're out of shape is no fun. I walked out of the zeta tubes and was almost immediately attacked in a hug.

"Hey how'd it go?" Peter asked.

He was always a hugger, unfortunately I was very sore at the moment. "I'm a little out of shape, so it was rough." I shrugged, I walked to my room, and got prepared for bed.

I slipped into bed, ready for a good nights rest in order to get up for school in the morning.

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