Chapter eight

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I had filled peter in on the way, about everything that happened. (A/N: you don't get to know yet >:)) we pulled into the titans tower garage, and even though it wasn't the stealthiest base out there the T shaped building had become my third home.

Once I stepped off my bike I was immediately tackled in a hug from beastboy, cyborg, and starfire.

They had all chosen to keep living in the tower and continue protecting jump. I was the only one who left.

I had some personal issues.

"Robin you have returned! And you brought with you a friend also." Starfire said in her usual peppy tone. I couldn't help but smile when I saw her again.

Then I saw raven standing in the background, per usual.

"Hey raven" I greeted my sister-like figure. She nodded at me before surprise was plastered on her face because I pulled her into a hug.

I was the only one who could have physical contact with her without her wanting to kill me.

"How was the bat, and the team?" She asked.

"Uh they're great, they still don't really know about you guys, because I don't really want them to know but I brought along him" I gestured to peter behind me.

He waved in a very Spider-Man way, and I introduced him. "This is Spider-Man, he's a hero from an alternate dimension" I continued to fill them in on everything that's happened to me, and we walked up to the elevator.

"So robin, what are you going to do about slade" cyborg asked.

"I don't know, maybe just go talk to him, and then maybe he won't have a hissy fit" I shrugged.

"Talk to him? By yourself? Are you insane?" Raven asked me.

"Look guys it's fine, I'll talk to him and if I need you I'll call, I promise, this isn't going to go the way it went last time." I said pulling a reluctant raven into a comforting hug. She's my little sister and she's worried, I get it but I need to do this stuff on my own. "Besides you guys get to know Spider-Man while I'm gone, I'm sure you guys will get along well" I finished before walking to the main screen and looking up the number slade used.

Using what I found, I send a text to him.

Me: a little dramatic to see little old me don't you think?

Slade: What? I can't see my apprentice, so I have to make a threat so he will come.

Me: fine I'm here, now what do you want?

Slade: you see talia won't leave me alone until she gets to see you, and she's ruining my business

Me: really slade? You couldn't handle one baddie by yourself?

Slade: she's very persistent.

Me: ugh fine, where do you want to meet?

Slade: abandoned warehouse where you escaped, tomorrow evening at seven sharp.

Me: fine 🙄

Slade: don't roll your eyes at me young man.

Me: you are literally as bad as Batman.

I waited five minutes before I gave up waiting for him to reply.

Sighing I went to go talk to the team. "Alright, we're going to meet, Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Raven didn't say anything to me, but she just hugged me, showing an odd amount of emotion.

"It's okay, everything is going to be alright" I comforted. "I'm not going to let what happened last time happen this time, I promise."

"But what if you can't help it like last time" it came out in a whisper and I knew how much she hated this, but facing slade was my only option.

"I'll leave tomorrow, tonight why don't we just sit and watch a movie"

I felt raven nod against my chest, and there was silent agreement from the rest of the team, plus peter.

Shifting the oddly emotional raven, I just picked her up, so she wouldn't have to leave me, and everyone followed me to the couch.

I set raven beside me on my left, and she cuddled into my side, peter sat on my right, starfire sat on the other side of raven, beast boy sat next to her and cyborg sat on the other side of peter.

The movie started before I got a notification on my phone.

Not knowing what it was, I excused myself, and walked out of the room.

My phone vibrates another time, before I could check it.

Talia: I'm coming for a visit little bird

Mama Nat: where did you go?

Ah my favorite, two very upset pseudo moms.

Note my sarcasm.

My phone vibrated a few more times.

Black Canary: where did you go? Batman is worried

Cat Woman: Batman seems more agitated than usual, did you leave? Are you hurt? What's going on?

Poison Ivy: cat woman told me that you left, where are you? You aren't going to disappear again are you?

Great all my "moms" are checking up on me, all except one, but I th..

My thoughts were interrupted by another text message.

Harley Quinn: catwoman and ivy are worried, why aren't you answering.

I leaned my head against the wall and sighed.

First I texted Talia.

Me: I'm aware, you won't stop bugging slade so he dragged me into this mess.

Next was Mama Nat

Me: I'm fine I promise, don't come after me and don't worry about me, I'll be home in a week.

After that was black canary

Me: I know, just showing peter around, relax and tell him to relax also.

Next is cat woman

Me: I'm fine I promise, just went to visit some people, don't worry about it, I'll be back in a week.

Almost done I switched to poison Ivy's name on my contacts list.

Me: no, I promise I'm not leaving, I'll be back in a week, and I'm completely fine.

Lastly was Harley Quinn

Me: I just answered them, and I'm fine, no need to start a manhunt.

Sighing, I was about to go back when my phone started ringing.

Mama Nat.

I took a deep breath before answering it.

"H-heeey mama how's it going?" I asked.

"Cut the crap, where are you?" She asked.

"Relax I'm fine, I'll be back in a week, please don't come after me" I pleaded.

"You're safe?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm safe, and before tony kills me, So is peter."

Mama Nat sighed.

"Okay..... as long as you're safe"

"I am, also tell bats to relax, people have been texting me telling me that he's on edge"

She hung up, and I headed back, and settled into the middle, raven leaning against me, and everyone else is passed out in ten minutes.

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