Chapter three

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The two teams looked like they had been sitting in an awkward silence, but once they noticed the presence of the two bats, they quickly jumped up to talk to them.

"So..... Batman and I have talked it over, and we've decided that it's okay if you guys know our secret identities, just know that this is very privileged information that even some of the justice league members don't even know, so don't go blabbing to anyone"

The team nodded their acceptance.

Smiling because I finally got to tell my team members who I was, at the last second I thought.

'Do i really want them to know about my past? But i trust them.' I don't know what it is that stopped me but I decided now wasn't the time, even though I trust these people i just can't do it.

Looking to Batman I spoke in batspeak

'I can't do it'

Batman nodded his head in response. 'It's your decision'

"its nothing against you guys, I've got the permission, but I need you guys to be patient with me okay?" I asked, it was going to be hard to accept that my teammates might not understand my past and baby me instead but I know I can do it.

"Aaannny way, the avengers are going to be staying with us for the next few months, and I'll stay at the cave as well, we're enrolling peter into Gotham academy sooo, Artie pretend not to know him, our cover is that he's another ward that Bruce Wayne is fostering for the time, just to make it more convincing, and will be seen in public as a ward of Bruce Wayne." I finished "any questions?"

"Why are you staying in the cave?" Megan asked.

"Well there are certain overprotective people in this group that I'd prefer never found their way into Gotham, so I'm staying here"

"Who?" Connor asked.

"Team I'd like to introduce you to my adoptive parents during my time in their universe. мама нат, which is Russian for mama Nat (a/n: I used google translate) and this is Bucky."

Nods of approval waved through the young group of teens

"Alright does anyone have anymore questions before we get everyone settled in?" I asked.

Everyone shook their heads. "Okay great"

I silently lead the group of adult heroes to where they'd be staying, which actually happened to be right next to my room.

After I got dressed in some much missed civvies, I headed out the door to see mama Nat waiting for me.

"Hey мама нат, I'm gonna go to Gotham for a second because there's some people who I want to see"

Mama Nat nodded. I knew she was worried about me, but I've missed Alfred and Bruce....... and babs, can't ever forget about babs.

I went and hugged her, and she returned said hug before two dramatic gasps came at the same time. I looked and there was tony and Wally side by side, both still in the dramatic gasp face.

"What?" I asked, pulling away from mama Nat.

"You, Robin, our oh so fearless ninja, hugged someone???" Wally asked.

A few seconds later tony added.

"And you natasha Romanoff, one who never has feelings, hugged someone??"

I shrugged before watching in amusement as Natasha went over and punched Tony's shoulder.

"Don't tell anyone, I know where you sleep" she threatened.

Tony and Wally both visibly gulped, before turning and running away, mama Nat sent me a wink before walking back to her room.

Smiling to myself I walked through the cave, no sign of Bruce so he must have gone back to the cave.

I saw Bucky on the way, along with Steve and Clint.

Just before leaving I saw peter.

"Hey, where're you going?" He asked.

"Oh you know, seeing my pseudo grandpa and all time best friend" I said referring to Alfred and Babs.

"Oh, can I come?" He asked.

We had practically been inseparable while we were in his universe, but that was back in New York, now we have Gotham, and I don't want him near that. He's got too big a heart for a place like that.

I shook my head "nah dude, I wanna see my family by myself, but I'll come back later" I assured him.

He nodded, and I headed to the zeta beam, putting in the coordinates to the batcave.

A warm fuzzy feeling passed over me before I was back home.

Well not home but familiar, and to me that felt amazing.

Going up the hidden stairs, I opened the clock entrance, and there stood Alfred in all his grandpa-like glory.

I immediately ran and hugged him, returning the hug he said. "Master dick, it's been a long time"

I smiled and nodded.

"Now all you have to do is explain this to miss Gordon."

Ah crap

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