Chapter 11

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I was in the batcave after patrol, which was honestly a boring experience, and I was designing my new armor.

It was an all black Kevlar suit with a blue bird stretched across the chest and shoulders, the wings stretched until they formed a blue strip down and covered my ring and middle fingers.

There was a utility belt, and escrima sticks were strapped to my thighs.

My utility belt held everything I used to carry as Robin, but I added a bow staff.

My gloves still carried my lock picks, and my holoscreen, and I still planned to keep my domino mask, but I was otherwise excited for my new uniform.

I picked up my mask, that I had discarded, and headed upstairs to say goodnight to Alfred.

Back at the cave

"Recognized Robin B0-1"

I walked through the quiet mountain, the kitchen was deserted but since it was like three in the morning, I understood that.

I walked in the pitch black living room, not even remotely tired, I could survive on two hours so I was good.

My holoscreen illuminated my face as I sat criss cross on the couches.

I pulled up old case files on slade, and studied them, not that I haven't seen them a million times before, but it helped me get some type of closure.

Sighing, I closed the files, and shivered as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, telling me that someone was watching me.

"I highly recommend that you don't try to sneak up on a bat, unless you want to be seriously injured, which I bet you don't."

Mama Nat stepped out of the shadows, with Bucky in tow.

"Why aren't you in bed?" She more like demanded than asked.

"Not tired"

"A human needs at least six hours to function normally" Bucky tried to reason

"I haven't gotten more than three hours of sleep, not counting the times I was unconscious, since I was eight years old."

I could feel their shocked expressions.

"But you went to bed when we were in the tower" mama mat said

"Hacked the cameras, you guys couldn't force me to sleep right now, I've developed a tolerance because of Arkham escapes and such"

Mama nat and Bucky were silent.

"What happened with Slade?" Mama Nat asked.

"Why do you ask? I already said I didn't interact with him much" please don't figure out I was lying please don't figure out I was lying.

"That's not what your body language says every time he's mentioned." Bucky states

Curse assassins and their assassin training.

"He's just a baddie, even Batman won't seek him out, he's got a death count higher than any assassin I've ever seen, he's a mercenary that could take down the entire justice league with his pinkie, no one to date has ever taken him down"

Well maybe except me and the titans but he wasn't down for long.

I feared slade even though I knew I was relatively safe now that I had such good relationships with at least talia and cat woman who are extremely dangerous, he can't touch me without some sort of repercussion.

"I feel like you're hiding something" mama nat said, and I heard Bucky grunt his agreement.

Curse assassins.

"Why would you say that?" I asked trying to be innocent.

"Mother's intuition, or assassin training call it what you will"

I sighed.

I haven't even told Batman about this.

I winced when I felt them staring a hole into my head.

I fake yawned and got up. "Well if I'm gonna go to school tomorrow I need a full three hours, so night" I almost ran out of there and I closed my door, locking it behind me.

I slid down the wall and buried my head in my knees, as I pulled them to my chest.

Slade made me do horrible things, things that crossed every hero line in the book, and he made me hurt my friends which was the hardest part.

I was grateful for the soundproof walls, as I sobbed, stuck In the past.

I vowed to myself that I wouldn't let Slade get to me and now here I am crying about what he made me do, but there's also the fact that I'm only fifteen, and fifteen year olds aren't supposed to deal with this much crap so I allowed myself this moment of weakness, if only to get those emotions out so they weren't bottled up anymore.

Traumatic experiences aren't something you can just get over, and I knew that, I've known that since that horrid night in the circus when I heard the echoing crack of my childhood.

I fell asleep, curled up in a ball, and letting long pent up emotions go.

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