15. Mistletoes and Ho Ho Ho's

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I slowly wake up to someone shaking my shoulder.

Thankfully my good one.

When my eyes are fully open I'm met with the image of that boy from earlier.


"Um, Hi?" I say awkwardly which causes him to smile

"What are you still doing asleep? The party's about to start" He says which causes my eyes to widen as I look at the clock on Charlotte's bedside table

Nine in the morning.

Did Carolina seriously not wake me up.

"Thank you for waking me up" I tell him gratefully before I sit up and crack my knuckles

"I picked out an outfit for you to wear" He states as he points to a dress on the bed

"Not to be rude, but why?" I asks with genuine confusion

"Between you and me, Charlotte has been holding herself back with somethings" he says as he starts to use his hands for emphasis

"Since red compliments your skin I was hoping that it would push her forward into doing something that she's wanted to do for awhile now" he says

I arch my eyebrow in confusion.

Holding herself back?

Something that she's wanted to do for awhile now?

"What do you mean by 'holding herself back'?" I ask him which causes his eyes to widen

"I've said too much" he says before he walks out

Okay, that was random.

I look to my right and see a small present that's wrapped in gold wrapping paper.

I grab it before carefully opening it and placing the wrapping paper in my lap.

As soon as the whole box is unwrapped I'm met with a blood red velvet jewelry box.

Carolina walks in only for her eyes to widen as they land on the box.

"It's about time she gave that to you" Carolina mutters with an eye roll

I arch an eyebrow at her before I gently pry the box open only to cover my mouth with my hand in shock.

It's a small diamond snowflake pendant connected to a small gold chain.

It's a small diamond snowflake pendant connected to a small gold chain

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It's elegant and matches the occasion.

"Do you like it? You haven't said anything" Carolina asks with a worrisome tone

"it's beautiful" I say as I lightly run my thumb over the snowflake

She lets out a breath of relief before grabbing the dress and holding it up in front of me.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (Wilder Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now