27. Museum Threats

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"Remember to at least stay four feet away" I command to Kayden

If my dad actually spills something useful to me I need Kayden to be within hearing distance.

"Yeah, and record everything" he says mockingly as he holds up his phone

"Okay, lets do this" I say as my heart rate starts to increase from nervousness and my palms start to sweat.

Remember, Aspen, show no emotion.

I fix my posture and walk confidently into the museum.

I quickly spot my father standing near an old airplane model.

I walk up beside him and he greets me without even looking at me.

"Aspen, you're late" he says as he continues to admire the aircraft

"Technically I am right on time, Henry" I say in a mature tone so that he knows I mean business

He turns to look at me and smirks.

"You look nice, shall we walk?" He gestures his hand towards a dimly lit tunnel that displays a multitude of historical artifacts

"Please" I say as I lead the way to the tunnel.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asks as we enter the tunnel

"Getting straight to the point, are we?" I question as I thoroughly pretend to admire the artifacts so that he can't see my tired facial expression

"Answer the question, Aspen" he demands in a fatherly voice

"Did you actually send someone to look over me?" I ask him with an amused tone as I smirk at his baffled expression

Anyone else would think that he isn't phased, but I'm not anyone else.

He swallows nervously before responding.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, are you okay?" He asks carefully but I slightly chuckle which causes him to look at me in confusion

"You didn't answer the question and asked me a question to get the attention off yourself" I say which makes him stop in his spot

I stop too and turn to face him.

"It's a yes or no question, Henry" I say with my smirk unwavering

He suddenly smiles and chuckles amusedly.

"You probably think that you're being so intelligent right now," he says with a mocking smile

Does he really think that I don't know what he's doing?!

"Where did you learn these useless things, school?" He questions which makes me roll my eyes as my smirk falls

Is that seriously the best he has?

"Where did you learn to avoid questions, by avoiding my mother's?" I question emotionlessly as I place my hand on my hip

I see his facade fall as sadness and regret flash in his eyes.

"Yes, I sent someone to look over you" he finally responds

Took him long enough to admit it.

"Why?" I ask him in a demanding tone

"Because I know nothing about you anymore" he says but shows no sense of sadness or emotion

I can't believe he's lying to me right now.

Wait, why am I even surprised?

I decide to play along and see how far I get.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (Wilder Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now