37. Changes

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Its been three days since we captured Charlotte's parents.

They're surprisingly calm considering their situation.

But I'm not complaining.

Ocean has been visiting Maddie every chance she gets, sometimes multiple times a day.

I think that they're really getting along.

The rest of the members only make an appearance when there's a game playing on tv or if Carolina cooks for them.

That same day Charlotte and I took a DNA test.

She's been anxious and tracking it all day.

"It's arriving in two days" she says as she slams her phone down on the counter

I flinch as the glass screen collides with the granite countertop.

"I'm going to take this before you break another phone" I say as I reach my hand over and gently slide her phone out of her hand

I glance at the screen and notice the various cracks along it.

Great, this is the fifth phone she's cracked in the past three days.

She brings her hands up to tangle in her hair while she sports an irritated facial expression.

"Sit, I'll make you something, what do you want?" I ask her as I walk towards the refrigerator

She gently grabs my hips and pulls me into her.

I look up at her and notice how affected she really is.

Her bright green eyes are dull and they look like she hasn't slept in days.

I reach up and place the back of my hand on her forehead.

"You're burning up" I say with a sad tone

She looks away from me in shame.

"I want you," she says with a heartbroken tone, she tilts her head to look back into my eyes

"I want my girlfriend back" she whispers as a tear slides down her cheek

I pout at her as I wipe her tear away.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her with a gentle tone

"You still have me" I say

"No, I don't" she says

"We're at this weird halfway mark" she says which causes me to give her a confused look

What is she talking about?

"Can you please elaborate?" I ask her carefully

"We're below girlfriends, but above best friends" she explains

"We'll figure this out," I say since I don't know how to respond

"Until then, you need to get some sleep" I say with a small smile

"I can't sleep, there's too much to do" she says with a stressed tone

"When you wake up I'll help you with it" I negotiate

"Only if you lay with me" she says

I nod my head before leading her upstairs and towards her room.

As soon as we enter her room I kick my shoes off and lay on my side of her bed. Charlotte follows my actions before laying in the middle of the bed and pulling me on top of her.

I make myself comfortable before quickly relaxing into her hold.


The past two days have been filled with nerves and random mood swings.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (Wilder Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now