Epilogue 2.0

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This takes place when Charlotte and Aspen are in their thirties (Charlotte: 38, Aspen: 37)


Okay, where do I start?

Charlotte and I currently have three children.

Crazy right?!

Charlotte and I made the decision to adopt fifteen years ago.

Fifteen years ago we adopted our, currently, fifteen year old daughter.

We named her Hanna Rose Wilder.

Five years later we adopted our, currently, ten year old daughter.

We named her Isabella Marie Wilder.

And lastly three years later we adopted our final daughter. She's currently seven years old.

We named her Haley Brooks Wilder.

Charlotte and I have accomplished so much in the last fifteen years.

We moved into a three story house not that far from her other house.

I tried to tell her that we didn't need a house that big, but of course she didn't listen to me.

When we made the huge decision to adopt our first child we decided to switch to online school for college.

It just made it easier for us to watch after her.

We loved raising baby Hanna so much that we adopted again and again.

Sadly they cut us off since they thought that Charlotte and I 'weren't the ideal age'.

We didn't stress too much over it since that was an expected outcome.

However, we were having baby fever again.

"Mom" Hanna yells from upstairs

I groan from frustration.

Hanna just recently lost one of her closest friends from elementary school.

Hanna was dating this boy, who Charlotte and I were never really fond of.

Anyway, they had been dating for ten months.

Hanna decided to surprise him by driving up to his house unannounced, his mother was informed of course.

She said that when she arrived she heard weird sounds coming from his room. So she opened the door and saw her boyfriend going down on her best friend.

When she was explaining it to me I could hear her voice cracking.

Don't get me wrong, I love her.

But I have a bunch of chores that I need to get done around the house.

Luckily my mom wanted to spend a couple of hours with Isabella and Haley.

"I'll go see what she wants" Charlotte says as she hops off the counter

"Thank you, I'll make it up to you, I promise" I say with a smile

"I can't wait" she teases with a wink before leaning down and placing a peck on my lips

"Mom!" Hanna yells louder this time

"Coming" Charlotte yells before jogging out of the laundry room and up the stairs

I smile as I continue to fold the girl's laundry and separate them so that they go to the correct room.

As soon as I'm finished separating them Charlotte jogs downstairs with a scarred expression.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (Wilder Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now