30. I Can't Even Feel My Legs

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There is mature content in this chapter and it's kinda kinky lol.


I hobble into my kitchen only to get laughed on at everyone.

"What happened to you?" Carolina gasps out in between laugher

"Yeah, What happened?" Kayden says as he tries to catch his breath

I glance over to my mom and see her trying but failing to hold in her laugher.

Charlotte walks up beside me and kisses my cheek before walking into the kitchen.

"Isn't it a beautiful morning" she comments with a big smile

If I didn't need these crutches to hold myself up right now I'd slap that smile right off her face.

She did this to me!

"I'll tell you later" I grumble out to them before hobbling over to a barstool

I try to pull the barstool out but completely fail which makes them laugh harder.

I groan in irritation.

"Let me get that for you" Charlotte says as she strolls over and pulls the barstool out for me

I mumble out a thanks and maneuver my way beside the seat.

As soon as my ass touches the seat I jump up as if it burned me.


Shit, that hurt.

My ass starts to burn and I groan out a bunch of profanities as they all start laughing again, including Charlotte.

"I'm over it" I shout out as I hobble my way out the kitchen.


Carolina suggested that we all go to the mall.

So we're currently in her car as she drives us to the mall.

"You never told us what happened to you, Aspen" Kayden comments as if he just remembered

Fuck, I was hoping that they forgot.

"I can tell you how it happened" Charlotte says which causes me to glare at her

"No, I'll tell them" I say.

If we're going to do this right then I have to bring you back to yesterday night when Charlotte and I got home after buying a pizza.


"I still don't understand why we had to stop by your house," I say as we enter my house

"My pizza is probably cold by now" I continue as I climb the stairs with her following close behind

"I actually got you something" she says before we walk into my room

"Oh yeah, what is it?" I ask as I place the pizza down on my bedside table

"How about you open it and find out" she says and holds a black box in front of me

I look at her skeptically as I accept the box which makes her shrug.

"It was supposed to be your Christmas present but it came in too late" she says

I take a deep breath and open the box only to immediately get the air knocked out of me when my eyes land on the object.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (Wilder Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now