22. Infatuation and Adoration

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I woke up this morning feeling extremely refreshed.

As if I slept for a month straight.

Charlotte and I are currently in the kitchen baking and let's just say it isn't going so well.

"I said four tablespoons of flour not four cups of flour" I say with a tone of disbelief

How could you possibly mess those up?!

"If your mouth wasn't full of chocolate I could've heard you more clearly" she says matter of factly as she tries to fan away the cloud of flour with her hand

"It's not my fault that I couldn't find any breakfast" I say with narrowed eyes

She said that she went out and bought breakfast, yet I couldn't find any anywhere.

"Would it have killed you to wait until after we were done baking?" She questions with an eye roll

"Oh, so now you're telling me when I can and cannot eat?!" I test her with a hand on my hip which makes her eyes widen

"No, baby, that's not what I-" She says as she makes her way towards me but stops when I hold my hand out to stop her

"Don't touch me," I say before I turn around and make my way towards the living room

"Since you want to be in charge of me, how about you make the rest of the food by yourself" I challenge with a glare before I walk into the living room and plop down on the couch.

Ugh, I'm so furious with her.

Who is she to tell me when I can and cannot eat.


"Babe" she says with a sad tone as she follows me

"Baby" she says as she sits down next to me but I ignore her and continue to watch 'Spongebob Squarepants'

"C'mon babe, you know I didn't mean it" she says as she moves so that I'm forced to look into her eyes

Her beautiful, captivating bright green eyes.

Stop it, Aspen.

You're supposed to be mad.

"It sounded like you meant it" I say lowly as I peek over her head so that I can see the television

"Aspen," she questions but I continue to look at the television

"Aspen" she repeats with a harsher tone

"That's it" I faintly hear her say before she grips underneath my thighs and lifts me up

I squeal in shock as I quickly wrap my legs around her waist.

She walks a couple of steps before she slams my back against a wall and holds my arms above my head.

The wind gets knocked out of my lungs and my shock is quickly forgotten as she uses her pelvis to fully pin me against the wall.

Fuck, she looks hot when she's mad.

Gosh, Aspen, control your hormones.

Now is not the time.

"You will look at me when I'm talking to you," She says with an authoritative tone as she looks at me with hooded eyes

"Am I understood?" She questions but I'm too shocked, and turned on, to answer.

"Aspen" she warns when I don't answer

"Huh? Yeah, sure" I reply as I look down at her lips

Fuck, if my hands weren't bound to the wall by her hands right now I would totally pull her in for a kiss.

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (Wilder Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now