25. Secrets

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This chapter is kind of emotional.

It was completely unintentional, I had a completely different idea for this chapter.


I've been staying at Charlotte's house for two days now.

Against my will may I add.

Every time I try to go outside they either don't let me out or escort me out.

I'm literally going insane staying here.

I may not feel safe staying at my house but at least I'll have more freedom, plus my mom is there.

I walk out of Charlotte's room and down the stairs only to hear some hushed arguments.

As I get closer to the kitchen I can Identify that it's Carolina and Charlotte.

Of course it is.

"Charlotte, there's nothing else that we can do" she says with an annoyed tone

"You said that last time and I got shot in the shoulder" Charlotte says with an angry tone

What are they talking about?!

"They've been M.I.A for weeks now" Carolina says in a stressed tone

"I don't care, check again," Charlotte commands before sighing

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost her, she's already in great danger" I hear Charlotte say

I'm about to walk a little closer so that I could hear them better when a hand is placed tightly over my mouth and I'm being dragged back until I'm in a gaming room.

They lock the door before turning to face me.


"What did you hear?" He asks hurriedly while looking into my eyes with panic

"What?" I ask confused

Why is he so panicked?!

"When did you hear Carolina and Charlotte say?" She asks getting even more impatient

"Nothing, just something about someone shooting Charlotte in the shoulder and being M.I.A" I say which makes his eyes widen

"Shit," she says as she starts to pacing in from of the door before turning his head to face me

"Did they say who?" He asks carefully so that he doesn't expose any information to me

"No" I say which makes him release a breath of relief

Why is he acting so weird?

He's acting exactly like Charlotte and Carolina have been these past two days.

"What is happening? Why is everyone acting so weird?" I ask confused

"No reason" he says way too quickly

Does he really think I'm that stupid?!

"You're obviously lying to me" I say and cross my arms as I narrow my eyes at him

"Listen, Aspen, I can't tell you. It's for your own safety" he says seriously

"Fine" I say with a hard face as I walk around him and unlock the door

I walk out of that room so that I could pack my things.

I'm sick and tired of their lying.

"Aspen, where are you going?" Collin calls out behind me but I continue to make my ways towards the stairs

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (Wilder Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now