The Dramatic Backstory

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This is just all the myths and stuff behind the origin of the zodiac signs, if there's anything on here that isn't accurate please let me know because I know how much inconsistent info there is out there on greek myths.

ARIES- This giant golden-fleeced flying ram called Khrysomallos.  Some legends have him as the son of Poseidon.  He was sent to rescue Phrixos and Helle from being sacrificed to the gods (because of an evil stepmother.  Yeesh evil stepmothers are everywhere).  After carrying them to safety, Phrixos sacrificed him to the gods.

TAURUS- He was this bull Poseidon made to be sacrificed to him, but Minos decided the bull was too cool to kill.  Poseidon was pretty annoyed by this and cursed Minos's wife, Pasiphae to fall in love with the bull.  They had a kind named Asterion, more commonly known as the Minotaur, and he was something of a problem child.  Later, the cretan bull was captured by Hercules as his seventh task.

GEMINI- Actually two people, Pollux and Castor, a pair of twins/half siblings.  Pollux was the son of Zeus, and Castor was the son of Tyndareus, king of Sparta.  Leda was their mother.  The rest of their siblings ended up being pretty famous too.  They got involved in a number of mythological hijinks, including helping Jason with the Golden Fleece and going to fight in the Trojan war to rescue Helen.

CANCER- When Hercules was fighting the Hydra for one of his tasks, Hera sent a crab to go pinch his ankle and distract him.  This was Cancer.  Hercules stepped on Cancer, killing him (her?).  

LEO- The Nemean Lion, son of Typhon and Echnida (two big baddies), before Typhon got a mountain chucked on him.  His claws were really sharp, and his pelt couldn't be cut through by anything.  He was killed by Hercules in his first labor.

VIRGO- There's a lot of split mythology on this, but she's generally agreed to be Astraea, goddess and/or titan or justice, innocence, and purity.

LIBRA- Again, the mythology isn't too clear, some say that Libra was Scorpio's claws, other that Libra was Virgo's scales, others that Libra was something else entirely.  Libra is generally associated with justice and truth.

SCORPIO- I'm not sure I want to go into the whole Orion thing, because there's a lot of different versions of that myth, but the version that makes most sense to me is that Apollo was jealous of Orion and Artemis being friends and sent Scorpio to kill him.  There's a lot of different versions of this myth.

SAGITTARIUS- Actually, he's not Chiron, he's this satyr named Crotus, who was a friend of the nine Muses.  He liked hunting and music.

CAPRICORN- Capricorn was this Sea-Goat named Pricus, king of the Sea-goats, a race of underwater goats that could talk, read, write, etc.  He was the son of Kronos, immortal, and could redo time.  A lot of the goats started moving on land, but Pricus noticed that when they did they couldn't talk read or write anymore, so he redid time.  They did it again, and they did it again every time he redid time.  Finally he got sick of it and asked to be turned into a constellation.  Some other legends have Capricorn as representing Pan, god of the wild.

AQUARIUS- Aquarius was Ganymede, this really pretty guy that Zeus had kidnapped by Aquilo, an eagle.  He was cup bearer on Olympus.

PISCES- Generally thought to represent Aphrodite, who took the form of two fish when she was hiding from Typhon.

Yeah that's it, let me know if anything was inaccurate.

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