One shot: Capricorn M x Aquarius M

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"This," said Capricorn, "Is the biggest waste of time of my life."

"You're forgetting about third grade," reminded Aquairus.

"True enough," shrugged Capricorn.

It was bad enough that the bus was going to be nearly an hour late, but even worse that the school PTA meeting kicked them out of the library, and worst of all it was raining as hard as Capricorn had ever seen it. It was a miracle his backpack had a raincoat in it, he'd never have thought to bring one on his own. And why should he have? It had been a very sunny morning. It wasn't until fourth period the sky started looking gray, fifth when it first started to drizzle, sixth when they cancelled sports and activities, and seventh when they annouced flooding had caused some of the buses to take a circuitous route. How many buses? One. Whose bus? Why, Capricorn's of course. Of course.

"You look depressed," said Aquarius.

"I am depressed," said Capricorn.

"That's depressing," noted Aquarius.

Capricorn growled and pulled his raincoat tighter around himself. Raincoats really don't do as much as you think they do, he'd decided, his hands were freezing and wet, while his chest was hot and equally wet, because of how unbreathable the thing was. The back of his neck was wet too, and he had no reasonable explanation for how this was true, other than that maybe it was leaking? Condensation? Government conspiracy? Who knew. The point was, his neck was wet, clammy, and itchy.

Capricorn turned to Aquarius to complain about something, when he saw Aquarius taking off his rain jacket. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I was hot," shrugged Aquarius, his t-shirt absorbing the rain in seconds.

"You're soaked," said Capricorn.

"Yeah, but I'm not hot anymore," he pointed out.

"Put your shoes in the bathtub when you get home and you won't have to pay the water bill for months."

Aquarius snorted. "I'll be rich."

"You'll be sick in bed with pneumonia for a month."

Aquarius drew a line between himself and Capricorn on the sidewalk. "This is the pessimism line. Nothing depressing survives crossing the line. Therefore, I didn't actually hear your last remark."

"What I said was—"

"No, it's fine, thanks."

Capricorn looked down at his shoes. He'd been trying to cover them with his raincoat, but the rain was coming down at a slant, and getting them anyways. His feat were starting to feel squishy and trapped, and he hated that feeling. He turned to Aquarius. "Since you're being dumb, can I use your raincoat?"

"Sure," shrugged Aquarius, handing it over. Capricorn dumped it on his feet and Aquarius laughed out loud. "Dude, your shoes are point blank going to get wet."

"Now who's being pessimistic?" growled Capricorn.

"Touche," shrugged Aquarius.

Capricorn squinted into the rain. No sign of the bus, who knew how long it would take to get there. His mom said she could make it at four thirty, but... two hours of standing in the rain. Yikes. That bus had better get there soon. He had things to do, homework, model UN position paper, guitar practice, applying to that summer program... and he couldn't do any of that out here, his homework would be soaked and shreded, and his computer was sitting on his desk at home. Not to mention he'd be an idiot to try and use it in the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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