One shot: Gemini M x Capricorn M

318 11 8

This story was requested by sarcastic_ethan , thanks for requesting!


Capricorn groaned, and rolled out of bed, rubbing his eyes. What time was it? 7:30? On a Saturday? So why was his alarm clock going off.

His eyes focused on the nighttable. No, it wasn't his alarm clock, someone was texting him. At 7:30 on a Saturday morning. Jesus.

Capricorn staggared over and picked up his phone.

Gemini: Capricorn, I need your help

Gemini: I'm in deep shit

Gemini: I really screwed up this time

Capricorn rubbed his eyes.

Capricorn: Calm down Gemini. What's the matter?

Gemini: I'm bored

Gemini: Like REALLY bored

Gemini: You've gotta help me

Capricorn: Okay, sure, want some advice?

Gemini: Yeah!!

Capricorn: Never again text me at 7:30 on a Saturday or you will have MUCH MUCH bigger problems than your boredom.

Gemini: Jeez you're no fun in the mornings

Capricorn: That's right. Goodnight.


Capricorn blocked your number

Capricorn climbed back into bed. Seconds later his phone rang again.

Unknown number: Hi

Capricorn: What the hell do you want?

Unknown number: Sir? I'm here to tell you you won a free gift card?

Capricorn: Nice try Gemini

Unknown number: Crap how did you know it was me?

Capricorn: It was pretty frigging obvious.

Unknown number: Cool, so you want to do something?

Capricorn blocked your number


Unknown number: If you are receiving this phone alert, it means that there is a bored Gemini in your area. Please be advised that if not appeased he is likely to go on a rabid rampage

Capricorn: Where are you even getting all these numbers?

Unknown number: You're not the only one who knows how to use computers

Capricorn: Alright.

Capricorn blocked your number


Capricorn: Wow, you really are an antisocial hermit in the mornings

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