One shot: Leo F x Sagittarius M

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Hey folks!  This story was requested by @-brucey , thanks for requesting!

Characters involved:  Sagittarius (m), Leo (f), Virgo (m), Aries (f), and Cancer (f).


You're wrong, wrote Leo on the piece of paper, and passed it to Sagittarius.

You're just saying that because I'm right, he replied, sliding it across the desk.

Only in your diseased brain could something like that make sense. Leo pumped her mechanical pencil for more lead.

Only your diseased brain could take something as beautiful as my logic and call it "diseased". Sag was using a pen, but his handwriting was still a lot more messy than Leo's was.

Please tell me again how you managed to delude yourself into thinking you were capable of logic wrote Leo, bending her elbow in front as the teacher glanced their way.

It's simple, came the reply. Consider the straw. The cavity in the center of the straw is intentionally designed in this way for the purpose of drinking water so.. dammit, we're out of paper, do you have any extra?

Leo fished into her bag and pulled out another sheet of notepaper, but before giving it to Sag wrote a few lines. The purpose has nothing to do with it. We call the center of a donut a "hole", and straws and donuts are the same shape. The fact that the hole is meant to be there doesn't make it any less of a hole. Straws have one hole.

Straws don't have any holes. A hole implies missing matter, and there is no matter missing from the straw. It's a matter of functionality.

Functionality has nothing to do with it you frigging idiot— a shadow loomed over the paper. Leo looked up.

"Miss Maine," said the teacher, Ms. Gaile, looking down at Leo, "I didn't ask you to take notes on the video."

Leo covered the paper with her elbow. "You always tell us to take initiative."

"She's very studious in that way," added Sag. Shut up Sag, thought Leo.

The teacher sighed and took the paper. "See me after class, Leo. That goes for you too Sagittarius." The teacher walked back to her desk and started the video again.

"Look what you did," hissed Leo.

"I'm still right," whispered Sag.

After another minute, the bell rang, and Leo and Sag walked up to the teacher's desk. "Now," said Ms. Gaile, looking between them, "I believe we've had this conversation before about you two talking in class."

"We figured we'd rather be quiet about it and not disturb anyone this time, miss," said Sag, and Leo had to physically restrain herself from either... facepalming, high fiving him, or slapping him, she wasn't sure.

Ms Gaile chuckled, and wagged her finger at him. "Just because I laugh at your jokes doens't mean I won't give you a detention, Sagittarius." She sighed. "Alright, go to lunch, just know that if I catch either of you talking, texting, passing notes, tapping in morse code, using homing pigeons, or communicating in any way during the lesson you'll be in detetion for the rest of your lives." She gestured at the phones she'd confiscated earlier. "I'm keeping these until tomorrow, though."

"Yes Ms. Gaile," said Leo, grabbing her backpack and getting up to go to lunch. It could be worse.

"Oh, and Leo?" called Ms. Gaile, and the pair of them looked back. "You were right about the straw thing by the way."

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