Hunger Games: Chapter Two

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POVs in this chapter: Lea, Cora, Liam, Scorpa, and Victoria

Lea's POV

I woke up early out of habit, and as I walked out of the room, Leo did at the same time. This wasn't a surprise, all the careers from our district had similar training scheduals that started at about the same time. I was familiar with Leo, he was a career too obviously, but we'd never actually spoken. It was a big district, and there were a lot of vying careers.

After killing time for a few minutes, we went down the elevator to the breakfast room. "Ready to schmooze?" Leo asked.

"Sure," I said. It was assumed that we'd be allied with One and Two, but it was best to make sure, and to get to know each other. The elevator ding!ed past four floors, and then we were at the bottom. The tributes from One, Four, Eight, Nine, and Twelve were already there. One sat alone, talking over their food, while the tributes from the other districts were dispersed throughout the room, some talking to their district mate or other tributes, other morosely staring at their food. Leo and I immediately went to join the tributes from One.

"So," said Aaron, as we sat down, "You're in with the pack, right?"

"Of course," I said, helping myself to some food. "Have you talked to Two?"

"Not yet," said Ari. "They haven't come down yet."

I glanced at Ari. In person, she seemed so... small. "How old are you?" I asked, curious.

"Fourteen," she answered, casually, but strongly, and with an implied so what? at the end. A fourteen year old career was unusual, most waited until they were sixteen to volunteer, although it was true that many volunteered at fifteen to stay ahead. Fourteen was definately unusual, though.

"Good, we need someone small," I said, hoping I didn't sound condescending. It was possible that my question might have antagonized Ari, and that was the last thing I needed.

"Exactly," agreed Ari. "The rest of the careers are too fat." Well, at least it was clear I hadn't offended her.

The elevator doors opened, and out came districts Two, Seven, and Eleven. Libby sat alone, while Liam sat near Carter, but not with him. Eleven sat next to each other, near Nine. Two, of course, came over to sit next to us. Talia sat across from me, and Taur next to her. Aaron spoke first again. "You guys are in with the pack?"

"Yeah," said Talia. "I mean, I can't speak for Taur, but I assume yeah." Taur grunted his approval, and began eating.

"Good," said Aaron, looking pleased. "Does anyone do ranged? Or just normal fighting?"

We all looked around, but no one spoke. That was to be expected, very few careers chose to fight with ranged weapons. I'd once considered learning knife throwing, but it just wasn't really my style. Instead, I was what I considered to be more than proficient with a sword.

The elevator doors opened again, out came Three and Six. Six exchanged a quick word, and then sat down near Libby. Three... three was heading over to us.

"Hi," said Nye as he sat down. He was met by silence, but didn't seem fazed. "So, my sister and I are pretty decent with a spear and we wanted to join." Silence. "I assume this is the pack," said Nye, pointing around. "Because, you know, career districts."

"How good?" asked Aaron, breaking the silence.

"Pretty dam good," said Gem, eating breakfast, mostly ignoring the conversation.

"Sure," shrugged Aaron. "I mean, we'll have to see how good you guys really are, but I don't have a problem with it."

I heard Leo exhale softly next to me, and I knew what he was thinking. Aaron hadn't asked any of us how we felt about these additions.

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