Hunger Games: Chapter One

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DISCLAIMER:  This is the hunger games, so obviously almost all of the characters are going to die.  The signs are split into two per sign.  Each individual character will get at least one POV in total.

DISCLAIMER TWO:  This story has six chapters written, but has not been completed and is unlikely to be revisited.  If you reach the sixth chapter and want to know what was going to happen, leave a comment asking, and I'll explain the plot events that were going to happen.

The POV's this chapter are Taur, Nye, Tarian, Aqua, Pi

Pi's POV

The TV screen in the center of the square showed the Ram district first, full of people, and no one remotely afraid. Not surprising, there were so many voulunteers that there was no chance of getting picked if you didn't want to be. The name reaped was Lisa, and the announcer had barely called for volunteers when dozens of hands sprouted up. One was chosen, a small lean girl named Ari. She eagrely ran up to the stage.

"Must be nice," mentioned Hailey. "You know, getting reaped in those districts. Then you get to say 'hey did you guys see me on the stage?'"

"Probably lots of bragging rights," I whispered. More so in district one, one of the largest districts. The Ram district specialized in mining and stonework. Originally, they'd been the most devastated by the war, but had quickly bounced back and become the capitol's favorites. And won the most hunger games. By contrast, district twelve was one of the smaller districts, and we had only ever won three games.

The boy reaped from one's name was Aaron. He was... a big guy, even bigger than most of the careers I had seen. District two was up next, the second career district. The girl who volunteered's name was Talia, and the boy chosen was Taur. Neither seemed particularly worried. The next district to be filmed was district three, the first non career district. The girl reaped was named Gem, and the boy chosen was named Nye. A murmur ran through the TV crowd, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. "What are they saying?" I whispered to Hailey.

"Not sure," she whispered back. By this time, it was on to district four, where the girl chosen was named Cancia, and the boy was named Carter. No one volunteerd, district four wasn't a career district either. The next district however, five, most certainly was. The lion district was in charge of producing luxury products for the capitol, and happened to get some favor in that way. There were several volunteers from five, but those chosen were a girl named Lea, and a boy named Leo. The next district was six, the only district to have won less games than twelve, with only a single win. The girl who was reaped was named Victoria, and the boy's name was Virran. From six, they picked a girl named Libby, and a boy named Liam. Libby couldn't stop crying on her way up to the stage. She wasn't the first I'd seen do that, but it didn't make it any less painful. It just seemed wrong. I didn't say anything, but Hailey and I exchanged a glance. She felt the same way I did.

Next was district eight. Eight... well, it wasn't exactly a career district, but there seemed to be a steady stream of voluteers from eight, although almost none of them knew to fight well enough to even stand a chance. Sure enough, there was a girl volunteer from eight, named Scorpa, but the boy who was reaped, Skylar, had no one to take his place. In district nine, a girl named Saggi was reaped, and a boy named Tarian. Nine was easily the smallest of the districts, and almost everyone in the crowd seemed to know Tarian and Saggi by name. After them was ten. The girl who was reaped was named Cora, and the boy's name was Mason.

There were several shouts from the crowd, but they subsided. Then, when volunteers were called, a boy's hand shot up, and he was accepted in Mason's place. His name was Rico, apparently. Maybe Mason was someone he knew.

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