Chapter 9

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"I love you."

You pulled back from him a bit. You weren't sure if you heard him right. You couldn't have.

"What?" Your voice was just above a whisper, almost in complete disbelief of hearing those words.

Benny didn't say it again, he just looked at you intently. He was almost too terrified to repeat himself, in fear that you wouldn't feel the same way. His dark hazel eyes bore right into yours, searching for any sign that you felt what he did.

You on the other hand, were on cloud nine, taking it all in. The way he was still holding onto you, and pulling you close to his warmth. Your hands had slid down his shoulders until they rested on his chest. You could feel how fast and hard his heart was beating. It was such a comforting feeling, to feel his heart beating.

Benny knew it was beating for you, he just knew it. In that moment, something in him changed so drastically. His heart was swelling just because your hand was laying over top of it. It gave him the courage to say those three beautiful words again.

"I love you." He gave a small nod as he said it, as if to reassure not only you, but himself that what he was saying was true.

You almost felt like you were gonna cry. You were elated in such a way, that you couldn't help but smile as wide as you could. You still didn't fully believe what was happening, and you feared that if you didn't relish in it, you might wake up and Benny would be gone.

"I love you too." You finally replied. Benny now felt the sensation that you'd been experiencing, and he couldn't contain himself.

He picked you up by your waist and spun you around. Your arms went back to their spot around his neck, pulling yourself closer to him.

After he set you down gently there was a whistle from across the street, you looked to see where it came from and saw Mr. McGregor giving you both a thumbs up.

You both giggled at him before looking back to face each other again.

There were obviously some other things to be said but honestly you couldn't think of how to say them, neither could Benny.

"So..." Benny began, not really sure what to start. "What do we do now?"

"I have no idea." You laughed again. Boy this feeling was crazy. It wasn't like anything you'd ever experienced and you were almost a hundred percent sure that nothing could ever go wrong from now on.

"How about this." He leaned down for what had to be the tenth Time today, and kissed you. He kissed you long and good.

Once more you were overwhelmed with the intensity of the fireworks that went all through your body.

Almost as if on cue, you heard your mom call your name. She had come outside and saw you and Benny. To say she was shocked was an understatement. All your life you hadn't really had close friends, but now, you had seven close friends, and one best friend. One really good best friend who was also the kid you were in love with.

You had pulled back from Benny a small bit, not wanting to lose the warmth of his arms completely.

Your mom had walked over to you guys with a confused look upon her features. Man, when Benny left, tonight was going to be question central for you.

"Hey there you guys. Ya know I'm sorry I didn't know you both were together, I would have had You over for dinner Benny." She apologized, but Benny gave a simple 'it's fine.'

"Hey mom I'll meet you inside in a minute, I just have to tell Benny something." You chided, trying to get your mom to go inside the house. She took the hint and waved Benny goodbye before starting to walk back to your porch.

"You don't have to come to dinner or anything. I know she's probably just going to hound you with questions if you do." You pulled apart even more, just slightly touching each other now. You reached your hands down to lace your fingers with his.

"No, its alright. I want to. You're my girl for real now, and I gotta do those kinda things." He leaned his forehead against your again, trying not to lose contact with you, fearing that if he does this amazing feeling will go away.

"Okay. I uh, I gotta go in now. I can feel my mom staring at me through the window."

You gave him one more quick kiss, before turning around to go inside. Of course you couldn't turn around, because if you did you might never make it into your house.

Once you shut the door, you leaned your back against it and slid down. You were smiling so wide your cheeks starts hurting.

"Ellis, I wanna have a chat with you sweetie." Your mom came around the corner, looking at you with a knowing smirk.

"Yeah?" you tilted your head as to get a better view of your mother. She had her arms behind her back, and she was rocking on her heels in what looks like anticipation.

"I was just wondering why you didn't tell me you and Benny were going steady. Mikey called me earlier and told me that you were, but I didn't actually think he was right." She sat down on one of the chairs in the entrance way and patted the one next to her for you to sit there.

"Well." You picked yourself up off the floor, and plopped down in the seat. "I thought that if you knew about it you wouldn't let me stay the night at his place anymore."

"I don't mind it as long as his mom keeps an eye on you both." She continued. She wanted to know more about you and him though, so more questions began. "So, what is it you like about Benny?"

You gave a small chuckle at your mom, who was so obviously desperate to know about your love life.

"Um. Everything? He's just so.... Perfect. And I know that sounds cheesy, I know it does, but there's just something about him that isn't like any other guy around." You confessed, just thinking about him made your heart race ten times it's normal speed.

"He certainly is a good boy. You don't see a lot of those around these days. Most boys have bad intentions, but I can tell that Benny doesn't. I know he'll be good for you." She laid her hand on your back and you nodded. You knew just as much as her that Benny was going to be good for you. So, so good.

As much as you would hate to admit it, talking to your mom about this stuff felt kinda nice. It was cool to be able to share your feelings with someone and not get laughed at like you would the Sandlot boys.

You continued to chit chat for nearly another hour. You both were laughing and joking around by the end of the night. It wasn't even nine o clock yet, but you were exhausted just from talking with your mom. Which now that you thought about it was the weirdest thing to happen all summer.

You decided you wanted to go to bed, so you bid your mother good night, and went to settle down in your room. You had pulled on a pair of running shorts and a big tank top, before falling backwards onto your bed. You rolled onto your side and reached to turn the light off when you heard a knock on your window.

The Jet (A Sandlot Story) Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now