Chapter 38

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"You're what?" His mother didn't seem to believe what she just heard.

You didn't really either. You did not expect Benny to blurt it out like that, but now that he had, it was your turn to come to the rescue.

"I uh.... managed to concieve.... surprise?" You said, not sure if this was still a bit too much for her to handle.

Benny was still grinning like a little kid. He was so incredibly happy, and his hands kept going to your stomach, just grazing over the area. He couldn't believe there was a baby inside of you right now. His baby.

"But I thought that.... aren't you infertile?" She leaned a bit more into her seat, questioning the possibility of this even happening.

"I thought I was too. As it turns out, I was a different case from the other 87% of women with PCOS." You tried to explain. It was rather an exciting thing, you being able to get pregnant, but yet everyone seemed so stuck on how it happened.

"I mean it does make sense. From what I hear from the other side of the house, you guys are pretty busy...." she said, making a red tint go across yours and Benny's already flushed cheeks.

"Yeah... anyways I went to the doctor and they told me it was apparently possible. I am definitely pregnant." Hearing yourself say the words out loud and in front of other people made it so much more real to you. This was actually happening.

She was eventually thrilled about the idea, as was your mother when you finally got up enough courage to tell her. She knew Benny was good for you, and always would be. He was going to be there till the end and that was what made it so amazing.


On graduation day, you couldn't be happier to be handed a diploma, representing the hell you went through known as high school.

Of course, it was a sad day, because it was the day Kenny would have to be shipped off to a summer prepatory academic program. Without your pitcher, you all finally stopped playing at the sandlot. It was sad, but you knew you would always have the memories.

It was the greatest thing in the world to you, the sandlot. Even when you guys didn't play there anymore, you and Benny still went there every once and a while, and he would hit the ball out to you for a while. The nostalgic mindset you now had there was so comforting. Though it was just you and Benny, you still imagined eight other players. You missed those players, and they missed you. You wouldn't ever forget a day you played there, because it was the place you were able to find who you really are. It meant so much to you, and it was hard to let it go. But you remembered something your dad told you when you were very young... 'Time flies when you're having fun, but it's a good thing, because when the time speeds past you at least you know you're having a good time while it does.'

You remembered the first month you spent here, and absent mindedly glanced over at the tree house.

You and Benny were still so young and naive the first time he took you to the roof of that treehouse. The first time he kissed you. The first time he realized he was in love with you.

You were brought out of your thoughts, hearing the familiar crack of a wooden bat against a ball. You looked up and saw the ball going a little more left than where you were standing. You started to run a bit, waiting for the ball to drop to your hand. When it did you turned and threw it back to him, landing only a few feet away, which was impressive from where you were standing.

"Nice!" Benny yelled back from home plate. You still were able to see Ham squated down behind him as if he was still there to catch. Ham wasn't in Glendale anymore either. He moved to L.A. to pursue his dream of becoming a pro wrestler. You weren't upset about it, not even a little bit. Sure he left before you guys did, but eventually you'd be heading in the same direction. You'd still get to see him, which was more than you could say for the other boys.

You'd almost completely lost contact with Yeah yeah, and Timmy and Tommy stopped writing months ago. Kenny said he would write, but you guys had yet to receive a letter.

Maybe you guys were drifting apart, but maybe you guys were just settling into your knew found lives before trying to keep in touch again. You hoped that someday you and Benny and all the boy's would come back together and play ball like you used to. For now, you had to adjust to everything around you. You did have a baby on the way after all.

Summer came and went like a fleeting memory. You had been accepted to a small community college not too far from the UCLA campus, which meant you could just live with Benny until you found an apartment. It wasn't like you didn't already practically live with him now, but still, you'd never gotten out on your own before and it was kind of exciting.

You were a bit fearful to leave the town you loved and adored, but this was just a new adventure for you and Benny, and you were ready to take on whatever came to you.

Not even a week before you both would leave for Calfornia did you get a phone call from someone you'd never expect.

"Brady?" You asked confused. How did he remember your number after all this time.

Benny heard the tone in your voice and came around the corner to listen in.

"Yeah beautiful it's me.... we uh, need to talk."

The Jet (A Sandlot Story) Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now