Chapter 13

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You guys had gotten an early start on the field, playing like you always did. You were really pumped to play today, as this morning you'd gotten a new bat. It was a gift from your aunt that you'd received in the mail as an early birthday present. Of course, you expected the boys would want you to share, so your new bat was actually everyone else's new bat. You never minded sharing things with the boys, and they never minded sharing things with you.

On you all played, taking turns at swinging the new bat around like it was the coolest thing ever. It really was a nice gift, and even had your initials engraved on the bottom of the rim. Not everyone had noticed it at first, but once they did, it actually struck up quite the conversation.

"What does E. M. Stand for?" Squints spun the bat as to acquire a better view of the rim.

"Yeah what's the E for?" Kenny chided in, taking the bat in his hands to see for himself.

You smirked for a second. Now that you thought about it, you'd never really told them your full name.

"Well E is for Ellis. Actually, that's just what my mom calls me. My full name is Elzwerner Mack." You explained, kind of embarrassed at the old man name. "I was named after my grandfather."

The only one who you'd actually ever told your full name to was Benny, so he didn't seem shocked by any of this news, but all the other boys looked back at you with pondering expressions.

"Wait, so... your real name isn't actually Mack?" Bertram seemed fairly confused, and was scratching his head in curiosity.

"No, but if you guys ever call me by my real name, I'll kill ya. Just call me Mack, and if you want to call me anything else, just call me Elz." You took the bat from Kenny who was still holding it, and handed it to Benny. He gave it a once over before nodding in approval of the beautifully crafted bat. You'd have to remember to thank your aunt for such a pretty gift.

You all were about to go back to your positions on the field, ready to strike back up your paused game, but the sound of bike tires racing across the dirt in the outfield caught everyone's attention. You'd snapped your head around to see what was going on, and when you looked back you saw about nine or more boys with varsity jackets on in left field. They all parked their bikes in the middle of your game, almost as if to taunt you and the others.

You glanced back in the direction of the boys, seeing them pull off their gloves and slam them to the ground. They were trying to act all tough as they approached the school jocks.

You followed along, still not completely sure what this was all about. You stood behind Benny a little, keeping yourself partially out of sight. You weren't sure who they were, and you didn't know if you wanted any part in what they were here for.

"Hey Rodriguez, heard you finally have a whole team?" the kid in front asked with an ignorant tone. He tilted his head, looking you up and down. "So, who's the new guy? Is he a loser just like the rest of you?"

Benny took a step forward, ready to go off on the kid for disrespecting you, even though he had no idea you were a girl, much less that you were his girlfriend.

"Mack is a way better player than you'll ever be, Philips." Ham intervened before Benny could have his shot at the boy, whose name you now knew was Philips.

"Is that right?" he paused, stepping away from his bike, letting it rest against one of the other kids'. He walked over to you, despite Benny standing in the way. You crossed your arms, trying to look like you weren't bothered by the annoying kid. "So.... You can play?"

In that moment, it's like you couldn't say anything, because in that second of time, where he looked you in the eyes, you felt as though he was looking into you, and you didn't like it. It was manipulating the way he was looking you up and down every few seconds. He raised one eyebrow and smirked at you before backing away completely, going back to the bike he rode in on.

The Jet (A Sandlot Story) Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now