Everything comes to an end.

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Liam walked into the room and scanned it over and over, he was shocked, knifes were all over the floor and Amber was holding one.

Amber forgot that she was holding the knife, she didn't know why she was acting the way she was to Liam, she just wanted someone to comfort her, but she knew that he was off limits.

"Amber..." He said slowly, not wanting to connect the dots to what he has seen. Amber looked away from him, not wanting to look him in the eye, she knew what she had done was wrong, but she couldn't help it, she was so upset. All her emotions flooded her mind again, she shook her head at him, not really knowing what she was saying no to.

Liam walked over to her and grabbed her by the hand. The one with the cut on it.

She was afraid in what he was going to say, make sure she never came with them again? Not talk to her? Anything was better than what they could do.

He looked down and saw the cut along the inside of her arm. Amber swallowed hard, suppressing the tears again. He let her arms drop to her side, and walked over to one of the cupboards and pulled out a red box. He opened it and brought out a bandage. He walked back over to her and started wrapping it around her wound. Liam didn't know what to feel about it. He has no clue in what she is going through and she wont let anyone into her mind to help her. Was it him? Was he the cause of her pain?

Once he had finished cleaning up her wound, he reached down and took the knife away from her hand and put it in the sink. Liam looked and Amber once but then walked past her, brushing his shoulder with hers. Everyone was deadly silent, no one spoke. The boys were in the doorway but parted when Liam walked through them. There was no surprise when no one spoke, it had come as a shock to everyone, especially Liam. All he wanted to do was help her, but he couldn't if she was keeping things from him.


There was a knock at the door of Amber's guest room. Amber's eyes flew open but then she only rested them slightly open. Liam stepped through the door of her room, and she slowly sat up, bringing the blanket with her, fixing her pillow. Liam had a sneaky look on his face, holding things behind his back.

"Liam, what are you doing?" Amber said, creasing her forehead.

Liam shushed her, "Not so loud, they will hear us" Amber crossed her hands across her chest, He sat on the edge of it and looked at her, not saying a word.

Amber decided to break the silence first.

"Are you... Mad at me?" Amber said looking down.

"Amber, I could never be mad at you, ever."

"My tumour is back..." Liam sat on the bed in shock, he did not expect that at all.


"No, Liam. I just said that cause I felt like it" she giggled, but Liam didn't find it funny at all.


"I guess it was the sting in the ocean cause some sort of reaction, not really sure." Liam looked down and couldn't make eye contact. "There is something else, I have to tell you." Liam waited, looking up into her eyes, "I am going to go back to Australia. I know you guys still have concerts here, but don't worry, we will keep in touch." A tear fell down the side of her face, Liam reached over and wiped it away.

"I have got my ticket for tomorrow, Aunt Kathy will take me, you guys will be performing in LA." She said, grabbing his hand tight within both of hers.

"You're a big celebrity and have thousands of girls literally throwing themselves at you.. " She whispered.

He chuckled. "I know, its crazy. But I will never forget about you, ill even write a letter to prove it, ill text and tweet, everything" Liam said, trying to stay strong, he didn't want her to leave, let alone go back and have surgery.

Amber gasped. "You know how to write a letter?!"

Liam gently pushed her shoulder and laughed. "But really. I promise those things and more."

"And I promise to never forget you."

With that, they curled their pinkies together and grinned.

"Oh have something to show you," Liam picked things up from the floor and put them in Amber's lap. He thought to him self, If I could keep her distracted..., he scanned around the room and saw she had already packed, his heart fell again. She reached over and flicked on the light that was on her bedside table. She saw it was choc-chip ice cream, her favourite with two spoons.

"Am I sharing?" Amber looked at him funny and giggled.

Liam laughed along with her, "Move over" He said, crawling up next to her, getting under the blankets, that were nice and warm.

They sat under the blankets, laughing and talking, eating the ice cream. They both stopped talking once they heard the door slowly shut and muffled laughing. Liam and Amber looked at each other and then quickly got off the bed and ran down the stairs. Then looking through stairway rails, seeing Lucy hand in hand with Harry, coffee also in her other. Liam smiled at the thought that Lucy was moving on, but was also worried for Harry, she was known as a player with the guys, but then he completely dismissed the idea because Harry was like that too with the girls.

Liam and Amber ran back up the stairs quickly, once again and stated giggling, again like little school kids that found out something juicy about their crush.

They burst though the room and laughed even harder. Liam slightly recovered, but Amber was still in hysterics.

"You should go to bed, it is 12.30am" Amber slowed her laughing, and looked at him seriously and nodded. She knew why he wanted her to go to sleep, he doesn't want me to leave, this is his way out of problems. Never facing them head on, does she really want to leave the boys? No, of course not. But it had to be done, and both of them knew that.

Liam walked towards the door, putting his hand on the door handle, he turned around back towards Amber, "Goodnight Amber"

He walked out but Amber yelled for him, "Liam, wait!" He walked back into the room. Amber got off the bed and walked towards him, she took his head within her hands and cupped them perfectly, she pressed her lips to his and he didn't protest, he kissed back urgently. Reluctantly he pulled away looking at Amber with wonder,

"I have been waiting for that, for a long time" Liam said smiling.

"I love you Liam, I would do anything to be with you." Amber said, with that, Liam walked out of her room and left her to sleep the rest of the night off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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