Fun... in the sun

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Lucy and Liam looked at each other, then at the rest of us. Harry got the right idea and ran for his life, jumping over the bed and landing on the floor. I focused back on Lucy and both of them pulled out green water guns from behind their backs. Liam pulled his trigger and water spouted out of the end. I squealed as the water soaked my t-shirt. I jumped behind Louis who was hiding behind Zayn, holding onto his shirt.

* 5 minutes later *

"Oh its on Lucy!" I screamed after I was on Lucy's bed and she emptied the remains of the water out of her gun on to my head. Lucy just laughed at me, but then I got up and ran after her. She ran down the stairs but tripped on the second last step, faltering in her step and making herself loose balance. I quickened my pace down the stairs and I could hear the sound of everyone else following us outside.

By this time, I had ditched my high heels, but still in my jeans and my pink top. Wet jeans and running, not really a good match. Lucy had a huge smile on her face and couldn’t believe that she was actually having a water fight with One Direction. Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry were yelling all the way up the stairs, they were so loud!



"Okay, guys, fill up these water bombs and we will start to throw them. Don’t fill them up too much though" Louis said. All the boys had ditched their t-shirts and we were all huddling shirtless, arms around each other. Harry's arm was around my neck and so was Louis, around my waist. Both my arms were on their very hot backs, (and I mean that in two ways, wink wink) 

"Hands in!" I screamed, we all put our hands roughly on top of each other and we chanted: One, Two, Three, Four, One Direction… and Amber. Thanks guys?

"Were going to smash it!" Niall yelled, jumping around and pulling the bucket of already filled water bombs under the table so Lucy and Liam couldn’t get them.


"Okay, so what’s the plan cap'n" I said in my best pirate voice. Lucy just smiled and laughed her amazing laugh.

"Alright, I know their weakness, so if we target that first then we can win this!" I looked at her wide-eyed.

"What is their weakness?"

"Amber, she isn't the fighter, though I haven't seen her in a while so that might of changed." She smirked, and then focused back on filling up water bombs. I grabbed a couple and then grabbed the hose. The boys and Amber were around the other side of the house, contemplating on how to kill us. I turned on the hose not realising that it was facing Lucy, water burst out of the hose end and got Lucy in the face, I quickly shut the water off, in time to see her face going dark.

"Liam!" She yelled with a huge smile on her face.

"On the bright side, you don’t need a shower" I winked at her. She got up off the ground and started chasing me around the backyard. It was good to see her smiling again, having a good time.


Amber led us around the side of the house, everyone holding about 15 bombs in their hands, or rather Harry had 13 (he used two on Niall) Zayn had 15 (he protected his treasures) and that is the same as Niall. I had the least because mine kept popping! Harry just kept running off with mine and then 'accidentally' dropping them on the pavement. I'll get him back, in his sleep.

I was behind Amber, walking along the wall. She couldn’t stop laughing. I placed my hands on her shoulders, moving them down her back, she turned back, and looked me in the eyes. I know it sounds cheesy but her stare, just melted me on the inside.


When we reached the last corner of the house, I peeked around and saw Liam and Lucy running around and trying to kill each other… Well, not quite but, you get what I mean.

"Okay, this is our chance!" I whispered back, and saw Louis giving Niall death glares because of some unknown reason. Everyone snapped out of their gaze when I squealed as a water bomb hit me in the back. I turned back around and saw Lucy holding more colourful water bombs in her arms. I didn’t even have the time to blink before they were being thrown at me. So I stole Louis', out of his arms and then I threw them at Lucy. Liam went after the rest of the boys, with his green water gun. World War 3 has now begun.

* About an hour later *

We all sat on the couch inside, Lucy and Liam on the floor in front of the fire, Louis and Niall sat on the couch next to me, either side. Aunt Kathy came into the lounge room, holding a tray of mugs.

"I have got hot chocolate, warm and ready!" she said in a sing-song voice

Lucy sunk deeper into her towel that was wrapped around her body, obviously embarrassed. I laughed at Lucy and she gave me a death glare. That was always how it was with us, ever since we were little, we would act like enemies but deep down she was the closest  person I had to as a sister. I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

* 30 minutes later after the hot chocolates were gone and a ton of burps and disgusting comments were made from the boys of One Direction *

We sat down and i told the guys I was going up stairs, to get changed into my PJs, ( and I heard a debate going on downstairs and by the sounds of it, it got physical.

After I got down stairs, I find the bowl of lollies, and the platter of fruit, had vanished. It was either eaten or scattered across the floor. Lucy nearly knocked me over when she ran upstairs to get changed. (

I got to the lounge room and saw chairs were knocked over and the room was a mess, I am SO not going to clean this.

"What the hell happened in here!?" I screamed over the boys. They all froze and looked at me. Harry and Louis were underneath Zayn, Liam and Niall. I am guessing they were playing stacks on? Or rather, I hope they were. They all looked at me sheepishly and Louis started giggling.

"Well.…" Harry started, "We wanted to choose a movie… We all wanted different ones…" I slowly nodded.

"And who won?" I said gesturing around the room.

They all looked around and then stared at me, "What did you do!?" Niall said.

"What did I do!?  Are you kidding me!?" I laughed "This was all you guys!"

Zayn shook his head, "No… Really? Wow" he said amazed. All the boys agreed.

"What are the movie choices?" I said.

"Well, there was Marley and Me" Liam said, holding up the DVD. I shook my head, and scrunched up my face, I didn’t like that movie, it made me cry.

"Batman?" I looked at Louis like he was crazy. "I take that as a no?" I nodded my head smiling. A couple more preferences and we finally agreed on a movie. Grown Ups! I love this movie!

* 2 hours later *

"I'm hungry" Niall said and looked at me, I looked at Louis and he looked at Harry, Harry then looked at Lucy, who I could tell he had a thing for her. By this stage, we were all looking at Lucy, who just stared right back.

"Argh, fine. What do you want to eat?" She said getting up off the floor and wrapping her blanket around her shoulders.

"Nachos!" the rest of us 'Whoo'ed in agreement. Lucy trudged off in the direction of the kitchen. Harry looked back at me and I gave him the 'go-for-it' look. He smiled at me and he ran in the direction of the kitchen after Lucy, topless… Wow.

Something is going on there. I can tell. I smiled, just out of the blue and Louis tapped my leg. I nodded and I then tapped the couch space next to me. He took the opportunity and sat next to me. I sunk deeper into his arms as he wrapped them around me pulling himself closer to me. I could feel his heart beating. He was so pretty? No, that is not the right word. Amazingly amazing?


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