'His eyes were tear streaked'

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Guys, please after you have finished reading, comment and voote :)

Also Fan my best friend KadekLouise. She is amazing! x

"Your leaving?" I was standing in the doorway with my blanket around me, why was she leaving? How can she just leave me?

Everyone was silent. They had all stopped moving and their expressions were held in place. Everyone focused on me but my eyes were only focused on one individual.

April slowly nodded and crossed her arms over her chest. I pulled the blanket tighter around me.

I scoffed, "How's this for a birthday present?" I said sarcastically, slowly turning back around to walk out the door but a hand stopped me, resting on my shoulder. I looked over to see who's hand it was and saw it was April's

"I didn’t want to, I don’t! But mum thinks being around this is going to change me. I'm falling behind on school, and I am so sorry that it falls on your birthday, but it was the only available ticket. Mum had already pre-brought them, I received them through an email today. " I just looked down, I swallowed back more tears that were going to be brought on by this news.

"Okay. Fine. What ever" I am not one to hold grudges, my friends think I cant hold one at all. I don’t think that’s true. But this just was making me more mad by the minute. I shrugged off her hand and walked out the door. Back into my room and I sat down on the couch, I brought my knees up to my chest and started taking deep breaths.

It will be okay Amber, its only for a little while. She will be back

I repeated that over I think, one million times before I gave up. My best friend was leaving me and there was no doubt about it.

Then I had another idea… What if I went with her? I couldn’t go anywhere with out April, we were like sisters. Inseparable.

I could hear the door opening and closing as someone stepped through. I could hear the shuffling of feet as they reached me. He sat down beside me and I looked up and saw it was Harry. I just went back to my position that I was in before. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. It was all very quiet but then I spoke,

"What if I went back as well?" He shrugged as he was still hugging me,

"I don’t want you to, but, I guess, if that is what you want…" He trailed off leaving me to figure out the rest.

"I don’t even know what I want." I stayed quiet, "April is leaving tonight. She is getting on that plane weather I like it or not." I could feel my self start to drift off again, this time I knew that I wasn’t going to wake up until it was day time.

I sunk deeper into Harry shoulder and he rubbed my back softly.

That was all I remember before  I was woken up by a huge racket made from Louis coming from the kitchen. He was singing and bashing pots with metal spoons and other kitchen utensils. I sat up from where I ended up last night after Harry left, or rather, where I went to sleep when Harry put me to bed. I looked over and saw Harry on the bed next to me and Liam, Zayn and April were no where to be seen. Niall was sleeping on the floor at the foot of my bed. 

Louis walked over to the light switch and flicked it off then on the off again, he did this multiple times when I decided it was time to speak up.

"Do you have to do that so brightly?" he looked over to me while he was stirring a type of mixture in a bowl with a wooden spoon.

"Good morning princess" I smirked at him. I pulled the blanket off and I slid off the bed. I walked over to where Louis was and I sat on the opposite side of the bench. I looked over the bench top and I saw there were 3 bowls, all filled with some kind of mixture. I stared at the one with, what it looked like chocolate. I dipped my finger in and then licked it. I then walked over to where Niall was sleeping still. I got my pillow off my bed and I hit him in the face. I know it sounded harsh but it was all for the greater good!

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