'Your kidding right?'

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GUYS! I am so sorry that it took forever to upload.

The song for this chapter is 'Runaway' by Megan&Liz, I will post the link. Its a great song and it expresses Amber's concerns that you will find out soon. You sort of get a glimpse of it in this chapter. I hope you enjoy and please comment and vote!



I think I had tripped over more then one hundred times. It was April's Idea to get me wearing high heels. I am not one for high heels. Especially fancy, hard-to-walk-in ones. April on the other hand was rocking everything she was wearing, that was also compliments to the guy she was with, they were perfect together. Imagine if they got married… Oh and had babies too….

Well, on a different matter, the camera's were mad. The boys signed things for the audience and they were more then happy to take photo's with the fans. Some girls, when we walked past were crying, I also swore I saw some of them fainting.

The boys just informed us that they had a radio interview. So we walked all the way down the isle, no, not a wedding isle but one that you walk down… kind of like a hallway with out any walls, I guess. We then reached a set of double doors which opened up to a wide open space, with white couches and white carpet. It was absolutely gorgeous.



"Oh my"

That was just some of the responses we came up with once we entered the room. The boys led us into a room that branched off from the main area. It was time for the radio interview. It only went for about 15 minutes, but it was very eventful because of the questions that were asked.

"So Harry," The lady said, her name tag was Ella, "It was rumoured that you were dating a girl that you met on the Australian tour, is that right?" All the boys laughed. I looked at Louis, who looked at me. I gave him a look that said, 'speak up'.

"Actually, they got Louis and I mixed up. It was Louis who kissed someone, someone rather special too. Its also her birthday tomorrow as well. " Everyone looked at me and I just averted my gaze.

"So, you’re the mystery girl" Ella said motioning for me to stand up to one of the microphones.

"Well, I wouldn’t say it’s a mystery." I said smirking. I could hear sniggering going on from both sides of me and behind.

"But you’re the girl who was kissing up to Louis as soon as he brought you up on stage, am I correct?"

"No, well yeah bu-" I was interrupted by Ella again,

"But what? You kissed him and you are not together? Your just one of those one night stand girls with One Direction?"

"No, of course no-"

"Well that is very evident Amber!" I looked shocked. I was mortified, embarrassed. Every emotion that I could feel, I felt it. 

"You don’t know me! You don’t know what im like. I am not one of those girls!" I said getting angry.

"But that is not what the rest of the world see's I'm afraid." I couldn’t take it anymore. I took off the head phones that I was wearing and placed them on the table. I stood there for a while, just comprehending what had just been said. I could feel the stares on me. I bit my lip as I told my self not to say anymore then what I had to over and over again.

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