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Disclaimer: The main characters in this fic belong to Lucasfilm and Disney. I'm not a specialist on the "Star Wars" universe so apologies in advance if fans of the saga find inconsistencies or mistakes in this work.

This fic was originally written in French and is being translated to English by Epne. If you're interested in checking out the original French text, "L'appel de la lumière" can be found in the french section . 

And if you like my story, leave me a com ! Thank you ! I hope you will enjoy


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17 days after the battle of Crait:

Rey watched on in awe as thousands of blue beams fired around the cockpit through the Millennium Falcon's windows. Cross-galaxy jumps through light speed were fascinating.

Stuck on Jakku she had never experienced anything remotely close to this kind of travel. Wearing her old pilot's helmet at night, eyes fixed on the endless dunes, she had imagined herself at the controls of an X-wing fighter or better yet, a J-type Naboo Star Skiff hundreds of times. But flying at light speed was cooler. In the span of just a few months, she had travelled further than she ever could have imagined in all of her fifteen years on the desert planet.

Chewie and R2-D2 were very quiet which allowed Rey to lose herself in old memories.

Today, they were taking risks. They had all known it when they'd embarked on the ship, but the danger seemed palpable now, undeniable.

"I double checked the cooling system, it looks fine. I think it should hold despite the rattling."
Finn broke the silence as he joined them in the cockpit. "I still can't believe we're flying around in the most wanted ship in the galaxy heading straight for an ancient rebel base that's probably crawling with First Order soldiers." He muttered as he took a seat in the back. "I'm sure they'll be thrilled we're just throwing ourselves right to the wolves."

As soon as he finished speaking the ship exited hyperspace with a lurch. Facing them was an ivory planet flanked by three moons the colour of ash.

Rey huffed out a breath as she programed the descent through the planet's atmosphere. "We don't have the choice, and you know it. Besides, according to Leia's informant, the site's deserted."

The Wookie growled while R2-D2's stridulations confirmed what the young woman had just said. Finn suddenly felt claustrophobic in his seat, cramped, and uncomfortable.

Why hadn't he stayed safely back at their new shelter?

After the confrontation with First Order troops on Crait, and the unexpected rescue of what remained of the Resistance, the Millennium Falcon had taken refuge on Arbra. The planet was situated in the confines of the Outer Rim and housed an ancient abandoned rebel base. The northern hemisphere was populated entirely by Hoojibs, small but very smart quadruped mammals that were conveniently allied with the Resistance. Arbra didn't interest the First Order in any way since it was poor in resources and consisted mostly of archipelagos that disallowed for the construction of the types of large buildings that Snoke was fond of.

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