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The command shuttle landed slowly in the middle of the Finalizer's main hangar

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The command shuttle landed slowly in the middle of the Finalizer's main hangar.

Yehnu was staring at the ship without moving, on the edge of the pad. The two folded fins reminded him of the cetaceans which had fascinated him so much on Kamino. Snoke had sent him there one day, to negotiate a new alliance with the Kaminoans. His brother Jor had accompanied him, and when their hosts had come to welcome them, perched on these strange creatures, the latter had laughed at them shamelessly. "They look more like scarecrows than horse riders," the young Rattataki had said, and Yehnu couldn't help but laugh.

It was a long time ago, but those moments shared with Jor were still etched in his memory.

The stormtroopers, by his side, stood at attention when the ramp lowered and the hooded black figure of the Supreme Leader appeared. Elias was wearing Kylo Ren's mask and Sylla was following him, as was a young boy with short brown hair. The kid was holding in his hands a small wooden box.

After Jor's death, Kylo, ​​then master of the Knights of Ren, had not recruited a new disciple to replace him and Yehnu had always been grateful to him for not doing so. Bram, on the other hand, hadn't been entitled to such consideration. Elias hadn't even waited a week to ask Viri Pax to spot Force-sensitive young men among those destined to become stormtroopers. A few days later, the Zabrak had found this kid, Tehari, in one of the training centers. The kid was now spending all his time with his master.

When the black-dressed giant arrived in front of him, the Rattataki suppressed a grimace and nodded in greeting.

"How long have you been there?" Elias asked in a tone that left no doubt: he was furious.

"I arrived an hour ago. Commander Zian oversees operations for me on Hays Minor. But I was able to do what you asked: I gathered all the officers on the main deck. They are waiting for you, Master."

"Perfect. Let's go. I need someone to explain to me what happened at Theed."


Dopheld Mitaka was wondering what he could have done to the Creator to find himself in this situation again. He'd been unfortunate enough to witness some of the terrifying Kylo Ren's tantrums, and each time he had prayed not to end up cut to pieces on the polished floor of the ship. The Supreme Leader was not wearing his lightsaber today but everyone knew that the object was incidental. Kylo Ren was able to inflict the worst tortures with only a snap of his fingers.

Dopheld was staying still, hidden behind Captain Bash's athletic frame, while the Supreme Leader paced back and forth furiously in front of the line of officers, whose faces remained studiously blank.

The one who had the most to fear was, of course, Captain Peavey. His uniform collar seemed to grip him tightly as he reported on the events that had happened on Naboo.

"It was the Millennium Falcon. They performed a hitherto unseen manoeuver. They risked a jump into hyperspace directly from the atmosphere."

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