the Story idea from a dream I had - outline/notes

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Eugenics/Eugenetics/GMO/Cloning-Cult story ideas. from a long-ish dream that i recently had.  


ok, so focus on the girl who doesn't fit in? (member; joiner/joined, or breeding experiment/born into it? or what else/other possibilities...-_?) & the cult leader?, inside his household/family, etc.?   
(ok, so let's say she has grown up in the cult? either her {parents/family/-_?} joined when she was young (having her joining voluntarily might be interesting too, but maybe let's use that for another of the main characters instead? & do comparisons... ), or she is a breeding-experiment result (1st generation, or subsequent...?) 

intensively focussed on the psychology, social dynamics, etc., inside the cult? & the leader's household & inner circle? her experiences, & breaking away/getting away, etc.  (try not to make it come out too much like 'a handmaid's tale', &/or other already-existing stories...? xD)

his experiences (cult leader); pre to founding to "now"? 

the experiments/the programme/plan/etc.? -results planned & real, thus far & future? (this is really basic stuff, will come back & write more, better later...) - need to define the experiments/programme/plan. what are they truing for, what are they doing/using to get there, & how realistic is it? (selective breeding, ivf, CRISPR?, radiation-exposure?, cult mentality/psych., conditioning, drugs, etc.)

for this storyline, let's stick close to reality on the tech, & the results?  (can do wilder things in other stories on the concept; make this one max-realism?)  

"improving humanity"/ making people better/by/making better people... etc.  

could do some "deep history" here, on the origins of the cult? 1800's darwin, mendel, etc., leading to 1900's eugenics, then post ww2 scientology-like etc....?

HOW TO TREAT THE BREEDING & GENETICS?  (effectiveness, results, etc.) 

on a range from zero to super-effective... ? 

what about marginally-effective on the genetic engineering? - some real results from gene-engineering, but very limited, with drawbackson the /some bad/unintended consequences/outcomes, & much self/group delusion about effectiveness.

breeding program also very mixed results, some inbreeding (deliberate?), some poor choices, many unremarkable outcomes, but odd wierd interesting bit here & there. (crossed with the genetic-engineering stuff). 

generally messy outcomes, unclear, untidy, many damaged ppl, etc. 

(more is pending... ) 


human-breeding project.  (gmo, controlled breeding, cloning, &c.)

-mostly set in the household of the cult/group leader. a large fat-tish paternalistic guy/man. older. friendly-seeming, nice. masculine & alpha male, but serious-intense rather than blustering/shouty. powerful & authoritarian. dangerous. totally in charge & commands respect quietly, without having to constantly express dominance.  sort of a classic older marlon brando type.  he is "THE BOSS"  

-a girl in this household is the main character. (what is her relationship?) young, usually quiet? SMART?  (doesn't quite really fit in?) subdued & seems subservient/submissive/obidient, but ends up not being so. amnesia/memory missing (maybe)? figuring out what is going on.  the boss guy likes her & she is in his household. eventually she flees. 

-breeding/cloning to make better humans. according to their own ideas of what better humans should be.  (smart, healthy, etc. attractive?, obedient?  girls submissive to men? girls not as smart/not as flexibly smart? not sure need to think about on that & work something up for their full project goals/onjectives... how about:  -super intelligent healthy fit (strong?) males, obedient females? that's a bit cliche', but it's a start...? xD) how secret? how powerful? how connected? do they end up controlling the gov't (setting like a handmaid's tale -ish kind of, sort of, maybe?)   

- brain-washing/psych stuff too?  on the experimental subjects, likely so? but what about on the members/recruits? sample-providers? ppl used to accomplish stuff? 

-samples/dna materials obtained from university fraternity members; initiation, hazing, etc. (semen, blood, etc.) among other sources or raw materials (cult members, stolen/sneaked sample, paid donors, etc.; sperm/egg, tissue banks? etc.?). 

*are they breeding anything other than humans? 

*what about breeding for non-human intelligence(s)? too/also/as well &/or instead? - interesting, but include in this?  or not? certainly worth exploring as a stand-alone story concept...  

*what about artificial intelligence/a.i./ai? 

dream-bits/stuff that i can remember:  

the girl, in the household of the leader. him & what he looks like/is like. her (& others?) interacting with him. & what he is like. powerfull, imposing, someone to be wary of & careful around. but also friendly & compelling. commandinfg respect & loyalty.  stuff in the household.  a fairly ordinary, large-ish home. comfortable but not flashy/glitzy. upper-middle class-ish? fully equipped, but again, not lavish, fancy, not loaded with art antiques & such, or etc., just comfortably fitted out. purposeful as comfortable living quarters & hq.  

the brainstorming/bull session (when younger) that got the project started. ecited & idealistic. compelling.  

the frat guys as unwitting genetic-material providers; initiation/hazing stunts dares tasks (various) intoxication(s)...  (stripped to at least shorts/boxers & covered in mud/dirt?)

the girl fleeing, bus, gov't control/policing - trying to scatch/stop her?  underground/resista/ence organis/zation(s)? (just how wide-spread & well-established/in control is this group, in the story(/ies)?

power, control, suppression *sp?, oppression, conviction, charisma/charismatic (leader), etc....    

make it realistic-real reality; the setting, tech, etc.  set in the "now"(?)  

- how long have they been going for?  (if it's the first leader still, & he is older, & got started around college-university age, then mid-20th century or so? or later?  1960's?  work out a timeline/timing for it. real - practical genetic engineering has onlybeen around for how long? anticipating it maybe? if back in the 1960's. controlled breeding, crude genetric modification techniques, like irradiation/radiation exposure, etc.? ivf for humans by the mid 1970's, artificial insemination (much) earlier...   if not the 60's then 70's - 80's... ? or what/when?  IF 1950's-1960's for college, for the leader, then that would make him...     at least ~ in his 70's by now? (assuming  that he wasn't a child-prodigy in college/ ~ 20 yo in 1965?. but he might have been A LITTLE BIT on the young side & brilliant? or not? or what...? he'd be in his 80's if we pushed it back to age ~20 in ~1955.....  so, getting a bit old?  UNLESS he's slowed his aging somehow?  being in his 70's & college-age around 1965 or so might be better?  though it'd be fun to connect to the beart generation, too...   or change the time of the main story-setting? )  

-set/originating in north america? or where...?  (in the dream he/the leader was more or less american/north american at least?)  

-how secret is the cult/organis/zation, & how secrety are their objectives? their project(s)? etc....?    
-how good &/or rubbish is their science? the results? etc.?  (does the quality change over time?  up/down/pattern?)  a lot of indoctrination & belief in any case... ?   a lot of messed up individuals? members?  joiners, born into, experimental subjects:  born into & post-natal ?  emotional, sensory deprivation, etc.  (gantz effect?) ?  

-CRISPR etc. ? 


another setting:  a "colony" of the breeding-subjects/offspring?  controlled environment, isolated? sort of like "the island"? or etc... 


collate notes(!)  

more is pending... 

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