Relocated - Four

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            I have to leave, I have to leave here, he knows I'm here. No doubt that Turpin told him.
"Mrs. Turney, oh it's terrible." I say and hold my tea cup delicately.
"Careful, dear, you'll break the cup with any less hold. Tell me, what's happened?" She sipped her tea and stood closer to me.
"I lied, I am married, He did terrible things, his name was Micheal Graham." Her face displayed one of shock, but you could tell she was trying to hide it. "Yes, the big Owner of Graham Enterprises, I ran away, I couldn't stand the torture anymore." I sipped my tea angrily and basked in the warmth. "And now... Judge Turpin has blackmailed me, either I give him my body, or he'll tell Micheal, and I'll be forced to go back." My voice cracked on the last word and Mrs. Turney rubbed my shoulder.
"Dear, I don't know what to say. Perhaps you should tell the police? To arrest Mr.Graham?" She said, concerned.
"I've tried, believe me. No one thinks that the wonderful Micheal Graham would abuse in every way possible his picture perfect wife." I sigh and stare into my cup, the steam hitting my face made me feel warm and calm.
She hugged me and smiled when holding my shoulders. "Audrey, I... you should get some rest, no need to stress yourself."
I smiled weakly, "Thank you Mrs. Turney."
I made my way upstairs and into my room. I sighed and ran a hand through my loose curls. I've never performed that... act before, I can't do it.
The next day I awoke very slowly to notice that I was completely stripped of clothing and someone sat in the chair, I immediately recognized the face,
"Micheal." I sigh and scramble to cover myself with the duvet. My mind assumes the worst and I can feel my blood start to boil.
"Hello, Audrey. You ran away, why?" His voice held an Irish accent, this was a natural sound for he was born and raised in Ireland. He met me during a trip of his in England and brought me over to Ireland to marry. I thought he was the perfect man, I was so wrong.
"You sick bastard. Get out of my house." I demand and my eyes water. "What did Turpin do?"
"Oh, we, had fun with you, while you were asleep." He smiled with a sickeningly loving feel.
"Leave me alone! I never loved you!" I yelled and stood up with my sheet around me. Yes you did, a voice whispered in my head.
"Well that's a shame, because I love you. I'll see you later, my pet." He said and stood up, He caressed my face before walking out the door.
      I inhaled quickly and deeply. When I breathed out tears came rushing down my face. I hung my head and slowly put on clothing, I couldn't stay here anymore, it holds to many memories. I finish putting on my dress and I pinned my hair into a bun. I wiped away my tears and an angry expression masked the upset one. I ran down the stairs into the medicine shop and smiled weakly at the unknowing Mrs. Turney.
      "I'll see you later." I muttered and busted through the door.

'There was a man and his wife
And they were beautiful
A foolish woman and her life
It was ruined once he came
And hurt her with his cane

But he found her soon
And she slipped away
Determined to take

(Yeah I know it sounds weird but just ignore the tune)

      I sing and scrunch my nose in anger. I run across the street and into Mrs. Lovett's. This was the only other place I knew, and I think I can trust. Mrs. Lovett looked up quickly to hear the bell, there were quite a lot of customers and I stood out like a sore thumb.
      "Mrs. Lovett." I breathed out and walked over clumsily.
      "Mrs.Wood?" She asked but yelped when I fell to the ground.
      It was now that I realized I had cuts and bruises all along my body.
       "Turpin..." I muttered before falling asleep.

Once I woke up I realized I was not in my bed, this wasn't expected because I last remember... Passing out in Mrs. Lovett's shop. I sit up at rub my head, but when I brought my hand up to my scalp, I noticed there was a bandage around my head. I raised an eyebrow to myself and looked at all the scratches on my arms. Turpin and Micheal must have done this to me. Mrs. Lovett turned around and saw me sitting up.
      "Oh you're up," She smiled warmly and took my arm to look at my cuts. "How did this happen, love?"
      I opened my mouth to answer but I was interrupted by someone I hadn't noticed in the room.
      "Judge Turpin, you said." Mr. Todd came out of the shadows and stared at me.
      "Yes," I breathed, "Him and my husband. Oh please Mrs. Lovett, don't send me back to him, please." I begged.
       "We won't dear. Why did they do this?" She asked at sat at the foot of the bed.
       "Only the cruelty of men... They're horrible people, they deserve the worst type of revenge Mrs. Lovett. I hate them." I state and purse my lips together.
      Mr. Todd held a face of relatability, seems like he also had a grudge.
      "If you don't mind me asking, Who is your husband? Mrs. Wood." Mrs. Lovett asks and glanced back at Mr. Todd.
      "Micheal Graham." I said through gritted teeth. "I ran away from him, he always abused me. Looks like I failed."I shrugged sadly and stood gingerly.
      "He'll get what he deserves Mrs. Wood." Mr.Todd says, with what seems like a hint of anger.
      "Just Audrey please." I smile and pat my dress down. "Anyway, I... should get back to Mrs. Turney now."
      "Oh, love, wait, surely you don't want to go back and live there, now that Micheal knows where you are." Mrs. Lovett stands and stops me.
      I smile sadly, "I have too, I have nowhere else to go."
      "Well you are always welcome here, Audrey." She says and makes eye contact with Mr. Todd, seems like they held a mini argument with their eyes.
      My eyes widen, "Oh I shouldn't burden you, Mrs. Lovett, I surely can find somewhere else to stay."
      "No, I insist, please, stay."
      "Oh thank you!" I grin. "I've got to get my things, though."
      "Of course, come back anytime you like, I'll have a room ready for you."
      "Thank you!" I cheer and leave quickly to go get my things after I make sure to hide my face, just in case Micheal was here.
      I opened the door to the medicine shop and smiled at Mrs. Turney, she automatically assumed and smiled back.
      "I apologize, Mrs. Turney, but I cannot stay here any longer, for Micheal knows I'm here and it hold terrible memories." I say and walk behind the counter to her side.
      "Of course, I understand, I assume you will not work here either?" she asks and puts a bottle on the shelf.
      "Sadly not. But I will frequently visit."
      "Alright then, go get your things."
      I smile and hug her before bounding up the stairs and shoving all of my things into multiple bags. I come down, slower this time and wave sadly goodbye. She waves as well and I leave.

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