Him - 16

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     I was up in Sweeney's shop with the man himself fiddling with the razors when I heard a knock at the door. I jumped in fright and clutched the knife. What didn't scare me was the knock, what scared me was the familiar shock of bright blonde hair that I could see through the window. Micheal... I inhaled unsteadily and held the razor at my side, making eye contact with Sweeney who sat in the chair. He raised an eyebrow at my cowering frame and looked at the door expectantly.
     "Audrey, My Love, open the door!" Micheal called and knocked once more. I stood rigid and didn't respond, Mr. Todd seemed to wait for me to make the first move. "Or how about that man you've been seeing?"  I creased my eyebrows, "It's me, Micheal, your husband. I know you're in there, now open the door." He demanded.
     I held the razor behind my back and walked over, opening the door a fraction. He stared back at me, with his horrid brown eyes, like mine, but so, so, so much different.
     "Dove," He smiled and reached out to touch my face but I slapped his hand away. His face turned to one of shock. "I ought to slap you for how you treat me." I could feel Mr. Todd stand up in anger. "Aren't you happy to see me? After the last time with Turpin- who, by the way, I know you murdered- I thought I should take you back."
     "Stay away from me." I seethed and open the door wider, showing Sweeney who stood by my side. The razor in his hand was most apparent from the glint in the sunlight.
     "Mr. Todd, How lovely it is to finally meet you, though of course I suppose you want to kill me?"
     "How could I not?" He said with a sinister smile.
     "Audrey, my love-"
     "You have no right to call me yours." I interrupt and stare at him.
     It's silent for a second, I thought that I may have stunned him. But what he says surprises me, "My, how you have changed. What happened to you my love?"
     My eye twitches and I stand taller, "Thank you for noticing, I think it was being raped." I said sarcastically. I look up at Sweeney for a split second but it seemed like time froze and we communicated with our eyes.
     We have to kill him, he knows we killed Turpin and no doubt will tattle.
     Of course, I'll give you the honor, Audrey.
     Thank you, my love.
     "Come home with me, Audrey, Or will I have to take you."
     "That place is no home of mine. Home is here, with Sweeney." I glare and pull Micheal inside shutting the door behind him. Sweeney looks at me, surprised. I smile a bit and turn to Micheal. I shove him into the chair and smirk  "Now, obviously, I can't let you leave here with what you know."
     "You're going to kill me Audrey?"
     I pretend to think, "I don't know, do I have too?"
     "I always dreamed of dying by your side." He's a sicko!
     "Because I love you."
     I laugh, "You call abuse and manipulativeness love? You must be sick."
     "I do," he grabbed my free hand and I pulled away, but he didnt let go.
     "Let go of me." I demand and yank free. I feel a hand on my back and I smile a bit up at Sweeney.
     "Oh how in love you are." Micheal says sarcastically and leans back in the chair.
     "Oh how much of a bipolar b*tch you are." I mock and lean closer to his face. "I'll enjoy this."
     "Kill me, you won't." He dared and leaned closer.
     My eye twitched. "Sure about that?" I leaned back and swung out with the razor, it grazed his cheek. "Oh, I missed."
     I only just now realized that Sweeney had been slitting Micheals hands and legs, deeming him immobile.
     "You'll regret this Audrey, my love." He said and stared me in the eyes.
     I faltered a bit, Those precious eyes, the ones I fell in love with when I was only nineteen. They always convinced me that they were right and I was wrong, so manipulative...
     "Will I?" I whisper and swing widely, cutting his throat and killing him. "Oh." I whisper again and drop the razor, it made a loud sound, but it sounded like a bell, wedding bells.


     I was so young, The beautiful chocolate eyes haunted my dreams. Of course they belonged to the one I was to marry. I was standing at the entrance of the wedding chapel, staring out into the stars. Micheal came up beside me and took my hand in his.
     "Ready to go?"
     I nodded and grinned at him, my curly hair bouncing as we bounded down the steps to the carriage. The wedding bells were chiming behind us. I remember dreaming of the beautiful life we were going to have. Two children, growing old together hand in hand, in his nice, big house. Oh how wrong I was. I looked in his eyes once we sat down and one last bell rang.

Flashback done!

     I stared into Micheals dead eyes and stepped on the pedal to release him down to the bake house. I took shallow breaths and looked up at Sweeney. He stared back. I stumbled over and landed in his embrace. The thud heard from below frightened me, it reminded me of the old days. I eventually pulled back reluctantly.
     "I thought I would feel much different." I sigh and look down at the razor, closing it. "But, nothing- no... everything has changed, I'm free! I can live! Oh sweetheart, we can live a life, us two, free from all this nonsense!" I clutch the razor and beam brightly. It frightened me how much I sounded like Mrs. Lovett for a second there.
     He must've thought the same but brushed it off before nodding and his mouth twitched upwards.

Yay! The villain's gone! Sorry for rushing things along. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! And if you celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving! If not, have a wonderful day!

Fleet Street's Nemesis // Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetWhere stories live. Discover now