Chapter 2

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I shake his hand before Seungmin drags me to the living room where I saw Jisung and another kid, playing what looked to be a video game.

Seungmin walks up and turns the tv off. the 2 groaned. "we have a new resident in this building and I'm making sure she knows more people then just me" said with his hands on his hips

I walk in front of them "Y/n this is Felix, the Aussie. Felix, this is Y/n" Seungmin introduced us. I wave with a smile "its nice to meet you Felix" all he did was stare and I got a bit uncomfortable 

"Felix, it's rude to stare" Seungmin nagged "sorry, but Y/n, do you by chance have a brother" I was shocked at the sudden question "yes-" that's all I got out before I heard my name being called from beside me

I turn my head to see a face I haven't seen in so many years.

"Chan" I sigh in relief. I walk up to him and embrace him "okay what's going on here?" Seungmin asked as Felix shouted "I called it, Y/n is Chan's older sister" to say Seungmin was shaken would be an understatement 

I and Chan let go of each other "so what are you doing here in Korea?" he asked looking into my eyes 

"I guess you could say I'm running away," I say looking away "how's Mac?" he asked and I looked down "that's what I'm running away from," I say and he took my hands "I knew he wasn't meant for you, but you were hell-bent on marrying him"

"yeah I know, but he changed. have you met Jun?" I asked and he looked confused. "I'll be right back." I walk into the kitchen. "sorry I'm stealing Jun, he needs to meet his uncle" I say to Hyunjin, he looked confused but nodded

I place Jun on my hip and take him into the living room

Chan's eyes lit up "is this my nephew?" he asked and I nodded. I gave him the child and Chan started playing with his nephew 

I return to Seungmin. "sorry about that" I said with a slight blush on my face "no its okay, he's your older brother, I get it" he said and I laughed 

"he only wishes he was older. I'm older by 2 years" his jaw drops "so you're 22" I nod "I'm only 19" he says, I smile "you're so young." I said with I smile. next thing in his tour he took me to his room so we could get away from the chaos downstairs

"so who's Mac?" he asked his eyes filled with curiosity as we sit next to each other on his bed.

"my husband" I said. suddenly his eyes weren't filled with curiosity, now they're filled with hurt.

"but I left him back in Australia." I said and his eyes lit up with a tiny bit of hope, I wonder why..  "why did you leave him..?" he asked "man you're full of questions today" I say looking away and fidgeting with my figures 

"you don't have to tell me if you don't want too" he said with saddened eyes 

"no its okay, I want to tell you." I took a deep breath before looking into his beautiful brown eyes and continued "Mac, he would beat me." I said simply. I caught a glimpse of the emotion his eyes showed me before he pulled me into a hug

his eyes showed love...

I felt so at home in his embrace I never wanted to leave his arms, but then he pulled away while saying "I'm sorry that happened to you Y/n" I smiled at him "don't be sorry it wasn't your fault, my family tried to warn me, but I was a dumb kid. I thought since he forced me to do something I didn't want to do and then came Jun, I thought I had to marry him cause of that"

"well you're home now, and I won't let him lay a finger on you, if he does, he'll have to answer to me" he said putting his hands up playfully like he was going to knock someone's teeth in. I giggle at that.

"so scary" I tease. "so when do you plan on telling Chan that he's going to be an uncle for a younger child," he said and I looked at him shocked "how did you know?" I asked and he shrugged 

"you had this shine about you like you have one more thing to live for," he said and I smiled 

"I have I lot more to live for now that I've met you" I said and I swear I saw a blush creep on to his cheeks, and to be honest, it was adorable. it just makes me want to tease him just so I can see his cute blushing face!

"aww you're blushing" I say in a joking voice "am not" he said covering his face and he falls back to lay on his bed. I giggle before he pulls me down next to him. his arm around me.

now I'm the one blushing, why am I blushing?!?! 

"aww you're blushing" he mimics my voice from earlier. I stick my tongue out at him like a 3-year-old. we both break into a laugh before he pulls me closer to the point my head is lay on his chest. and for some reason, it feels like the comfiest thing in the world.

the lack of sleep from being awake all night on that stupid boat is finally catching up with me, it'll be fine if I just rest my eyes right here, right? I asked myself as sleep overcomes me and my eyes close and I fell asleep right there, in a different house, sleeping on the chest of a boy I hardly know. is this what life's going to be like from now on? if so I don't think I'll mind much at all. for some reason, somethings telling me that I won't be able to get away even if I wanted to

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