Chapter 5

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the smile that graced his lips after I said that must have been the prettiest smile I've ever seen. we at there in a comfortable silence. I stared into his eyes till I found my eyes wandering the rest of his face, his smile was so cute I couldn't help but smile back as we looked into each other's eyes and held each other's hands

he slowly started to lean in, slow enough to the point I could pull away if I wanted to, but I would never pull away from what I've wanted for the last week

his lips landed on my so softly as if they might not even be there, but I felt them, they were soft and specious, a feeling that could never be replaced, and I would never want to replace this wonderful feeling.

 our lips moved in sync as I ran my hands through his soft hair, as his hands move to be around my waist. the kiss felt like I was floating like I had nothing to lose, and I love this feeling and wished it lasted longer but the knock on the door made us pull away

before we could respond the door opened and Woojin popped his head in, then saw our state and smirked. "not your boyfriend, huh?" he said and I threw a pillow at him, causing him to close the door and shout "dinners ready, come out when you're done making out" then I heard a laugh on both ends

I hit Seungmin playful for laughing with the devil. then he took my hands in his "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, my cheeks flushed as I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "of course!" I say with a big smile. he embraced me so lovingly I never wanted to leave

then we decided we better go get some food before its all gone cause of Chris, or before they start spreading rumors.

when we sit down beside each other we hear a lot of "ooooh"s. and all we do is smile since I have no pillows to throw this time. 

"So what's this I hear about you dating my sister?" Chan asked pointing at Seungmin questioningly. I just laughed as Seungmin looked like he was about to face death himself. "we made it official like 2 minutes ago, how did you find out??" Seungmin questioned 

"2 minutes ago?!?! why did it take you so long?!?" Chan questioned in shock and Seungmin let out a "ha ha ha" and put some food on his plate and started eating.

Seungmin gave me a look and I knew exactly what he was trying to hint at. I give him a look telling him no. then he placed a hand on my thigh and gave it a comforting squeeze. I flush a bit before shaking my head 

"what's the matter Noona?" Jeongin asked "please just call me Y/n and its nothing!" I said and Seungmin gave me another "look".  "by the looks of it you do have something to tell us" Minho spoke. curse you Minho!!

I sigh "I'm pregnant" I said, ripping the band-aid off. Jun who was at the table looked confused. Hyunjin did a spit take with the water he was drinking. and Woojin dropped his fork. Chan just remained frozen 

"Seungmin, you got her pregnant already!!" Changbin yelled at the younger and he choked on the food he had in his mouth, he shook his head frantically as he cough and I rubbed his back.

"that means its Mac's..." Chan voiced, almost so quiet no one could hear it. but we all heard it and it caused the table to go silent. "mommy what does Pregnant mean?" Jun asked from beside me, I turned to him with a smile on my face

"it means I have a baby growing in my stomach. and you'll have a baby brother or sister soon!" I said and placed a kiss on his forehead before he started to cheer, and everyone smiled at his cuteness.

"I hope I have a younger sister!! so I can protect her! so no one can hit her like daddy hit you" he said voicing his opinion. my eyes tear up and everyone's eyes widened, except for Chan's and Seungmin's.

"...He hit you?" Woojin was the first to speak, seeing as everyone else was too shocked. I just nodded "did he ever do more than hit you?" Felix asked. I nodded "did he-" I knew where it was going so I cut him off "yeah, almost every day. he didn't want a child. so the last almost 7 years was spent teaching Jun that once daddy got home he uses the lock on his door" 

that's when I saw a tear fall down Jeongin's face as he got up quickly and came to my seat, embracing me. soon everyone else joined in as well.

I felt so loved. at this moment I'm glad I moved to Korea, I'm glad me and Chan's parents taught us Korean at a young age, and I'm glad Mac's behind bars!

everyone separated from me, going back to their seats at the table before someone spoke "Mac's behind bars, for now. his trials in 3 days. we could go crash it. and tell the judge how much he hurt you" Minho suggested 

"I don't know...." I responded "come on Y/n! if you do this it'll put him away for more years!!" Hyunjin pushed the idea. I mean, that did sound pleasing. have him far away from my children and new boyfriend for longer so they can grow up and not have to deal with their psychotic father.

I pretend to think about it longer till I come to a decision "Okay, let's do it!" I said with a smile

"Yessss we're crashing a court case!!!" Hyunjin announced in joy, making us all laugh. 

maybe I could get used to this life. smiles and laughter filling every memory I've had here so far. I have a feeling it's going to get even better from here on out and I'm excited! especially to see the look on Mac's face when I show up in 3 days! 

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