Chapter 4

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the police came to pick up Mac, and with that came the media. and by the next day our faces were all over papers and the news.

I was out job hunting, and school hunting. but no one would let me through the front door, just cause a picture of a bruised and cut girl was in the papers they wont let that girl get a job cause they think "she's unreliable"

I was so frustrated. but at least I was able to find a school for Jun!

I just got to look on the bright side! Seoul is a big city! there's gotta be someone who will hire me!

it was 7 pm (19:00) so I decided to call it quits and go pick up Jun from Seungmin's.

I knocked on the door and within seconds it opened to reveal a sleepy Seungmin.

"What happened?" I asked him with concern "I couldn't sleep last night" he admitted. I place my hand on his cheek and rub the dark circle under that eye, as we stared into each other's eyes, he slowly started to get closer-

"well are you going to let her in or what?" I heard Woojin from behind him, I look over Seungmin's shoulder to see Woojin with Jun on his side. I smile at the sight of my smiley son.

Seungmin steps aside and I walk past him to take my son. I put him on my hip, kissing his forehead and making sure he knows I missed him.

"Have you eaten anything?" Woojin asks and I shook my head with a frown "I'll make you something, go spend time with your boyfriend he said gesturing towards Seungmin, I blushed looking at Woojin

"he's not my boyfriend!"


I huff before turning around to see a smiling Seungmin "what are you smiling about?" I asked he shrugged "what can I not smile at a beautiful woman?" he asked and I hit him playfully before walking into the living room to set my son down. he ran straight to his uncle Chan who was sitting on the couch, Chan embraced him with the biggest smile.

I smile at them.

"we're one big happy family," I say softly, then Seungmin took my hand and I didn't think much of it till he spoke "watch Jun for us?" he asked Chan and he nodded not minding the fact he gets to spend for time with his nephew

Seungmin started walking away, taking me with him, he walks towards his room.

he opened the door and we walked in together, sitting on his bed he grabbed my other hand and looked in my eyes

"how'd job hunting go?" he asked and I let out a heavy sigh "not good, cause of the news everyone thinks I'm not worth it. but I did find Jun a school" I said the last part so we wouldn't just focus on failures

"as I've said before, I can support you guys till you can get back on your feet" he said and by the look in his eyes, he really meant what he was saying. I shook my head "I can't ask you to do that, you already babysit for free." I take one of my hands out of his and place it on his cheek

"you guys are already helping me so much" I said with a sad smile

he took his hand and placed it on mine and my heart picked up speed, I want to kiss him so bad. he closes his eyes and leans into my hand.

my sad smile soon turned into a happy one as I can sit here and stare at such a beautiful human being. Seungmin does something to me that I can't explain. as if I found the last piece of a puzzle I didn't even know I needed.

he does something to my heart, it's not like the feelings I had towards my ex-husband.

just then as I was staring at him and trying to memorize every part of his face I realized something.. I'm in love with my brothers best friend, Kim Seungmin...

that's when my smile fell, why in the world did I have to fall for someone 3 years younger than me? why does life have a funny way of making mine worse?

my hand dropped from his face and I looked down at my other hand that's still in his.

it would never work out, we're from 2 different worlds, that's the sad part.

I start to tear up a bit as Seungmin opens his eyes and looks at me "what's the matter?" he asked. I just shrugged it off and tried to lighten the mood by smiling, but it didn't work... he saw right through my fake smile

the only other person who could see through me is Chan, so I was surprised when Seungmin saw through it.

I sigh "I can't tell you.." he looked sad "of course you can!" He said with a soft smile "things wouldn't be the same" I said looking into his eyes with a soft look.

"The worst thing you could say is that you love someone other than me," he said in a low tone as he took both my hands in his once again

But me being me, I sat there like a deer in the headlights. Shocked at his words

"What are you trying to say?" I asked since I didn't want to go assuming what he just said was his attempt at flirting with me.

He adjusted before looking straight in my eyes with the most serious look I've seen on anyone

"Y/n I'm trying to say that even though you're my best friends sister. And even though you're 3 years older than me. But God have I fallen for you. And we haven't even known each other long. But Y/n! I want to get to know you and get closer to you!"

Me being the idiot I am, I couldn't come up with a speech like his so I replied the most basic way possible

"I love you too Seungmin"

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