Chapter 6

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today is the day of Mac's trial and I just finished getting ready, now I'm in the living room on my knees in front of my 6-year-old, tying his bow tie. I have to go to this trial anyway since he assaulted me. so I can just bring up the fact this isn't the first time

just then I heard a knock on the door. I get up after placing a kiss on Jun's forehead and answering the door.

I open the door to see all the boys standing in the hallway waiting for us. I smile at them as I grab me and Jun's stuff before pushing Jun out the door in front of me as I shut and lock our apartment door.

he walks out into the elevator, but we have to go into 2 separate groups cause of how many people we have in this group of ours. when we all get to the lobby we walk out together and get into 2 different cars about 20 minutes later we arrived at the courthouse with 5 minutes to spare. we walk in and I see them bring Mac in, we made eye contact and he smirked at me.... he's planning something, and that's a scary thought...

we walked in and I left Jun with Chan in the crowd to take my place next to Seungmin up front, in front of the judge 

"court in session" were the next words we heard "your honor, my client has been falsely accused of this crime!" Mac lawyer spoke first and my eyes widened, so this is what he's planning. well, 2 can play at that game.

"How so?" the judge asked "well his wife, Y/n, left him, so he went to see her after he found her and this boy Seungmin, tackled him and started beating him up," he said

"Objection honor!" I voiced even though I don't really have a right to say that. "okay, go on" the judge spoke. "it is true I ran away, but everyone who leaves a lover has a good reason correct? well, my reason was cause he used to beat me! to the point, I couldn't move! I called Seungmin when I opened the door and he started assaulting me" I said and looked over at Mac who clearly wasn't expecting that

"can you specify what kind of assault ma'am?" he asked and I nodded "the sexual kind. he tried to rape me as soon as I opened the door, Seungmin walked in and found him on top of me on the floor" I explained and he hummed "and do you have any evidence of this abuse?" he asked and I nodded stepping into the middle so everyone could see.

I rolled up my long sleeve cotton black shirt to reveal a long pink scar

"This was from a couple months ago when he came home drunk, he broke the bottle he was drinking out of and dragged it along my arm, then opened a new bottle, pouring alcohol onto the fresh cut"

I roll my sleeve down, then move to my leg, I roll up the pants leg of my jeans to see yet another scar.

"This is from a year ago when we pushed me down the stairs. a whole flight of stairs and i broke my leg, i had to get surgery for it. then a couple of days after the surgery he threw me into a wall so hard I ended up fracturing the same leg in a different spot." I finished. 

"there's more but I wont bore you with more details." I said smirking at Mac as I went back to my stand. "well sir it looks like the odds are stacked against you, do you have anything to say or your actions?" the judged asked Mac

"all I have to say is, she's lying! trying to send me to jail for all these crimes I didn't commit! she lied to a judge, isn't that considered a crime your honor?" he asked and the judge nodded "how do you prove her wrong?"

"yes she did break her leg, but she slipped and fell down the stairs and I was the one to help her! then she was in a car accident a couple of months ago so her memory is foggy" he said and my jaw dropped "Y/n, is this true?" the judge asked and I shook my head.

"I-I-" I was cut off "yeah you cant come up with anything else cause it's true!" Mac said with caused me to tear up as I go through my thoughts trying to find something to use against him without mentioning what I don't want to bring up

"Honor, if I may!" I heard from behind us. I turned around to see Chan standing with Jun on his hip. "this will be interesting" the judge spoke "okay continue" 

"I'm Y/n's younger brother and Seungmin's best friend! and I can testify to the abuse and assault!!" he said and the judge looked surprised but beckoned him to the front none the less, and he put Jun down before making his way towards us

"Mac has always treated Y/n harshly. she'd always call me at 3 am in tears, and it was worse when she was pregnant with Jun, their son. if you don't believe me. you can check my phone, every day, or the past 6 years. ending a couple weeks ago when she moved." Chan said holding his phone up

the judge signaled for the guard to take it and he did. a few minutes later the guard looks up "can confirm" are the words that left his mouth as he gave Chan's phone back. Chan smirked as the judge thought for a moment.

"they're just calls, you really have nothing to back up that statement, she could've just been calling to see how you're doing." the judge stated and my hands got sweaty and shaky and my legs felt weak.

I sigh, half cause I needed to take a deep breath and the other half cause I needed to relieve stress

"what if I told you I had solid proof, of something related to abuse, that he cant counter?" I asked the judge and he raised an eyebrow as Mac looked scared for everything he's gotten past 

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