Chapter 12

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I woke up in the middle of the night to care for Ji Ah, but other than that I didn't get much sleep, still sore from Ji Ah's birth and her upset all night I didn't sleep much before I knew it my alarm went off, so I had to get up and making breakfast and show Jun off

I just got back with Ji Ah after seeing Jun off, I set her in her crib then I went and laid on the but the peace didn't last long as I heard her cry.  that's when I broke down, all the hormones that stuck around after the birth and the lack of sleep, and the fact I haven't showered in 2 days. I broke down, I forgot how hard being a new mother was

then I heard a knock at the door. I slowly sat up and opened the door, it was Seungmin when he saw me his eyes widened. 

I don't blame him, I had dark circles, messy hair, and I'm sure I have a puke stain on my shirt from Ji Ah "Y/n, what happened to you?" he asked walking in and setting down the box he was carrying.

he approached me and placed a hand on my cheek, wiping away the tears that spill. "just forgot how stressful having a newborn is. and it's hard now that I have to kids to take care of" I stated and his eyes soften

"how about you go get some breakfast, get a shower, and maybe take a nap. I'll take care of our daughter" he said with a soft smile and I couldn't be happier that I'm not in it alone. "thank you so much!" I said hugging him 

"I have 3 bottles mixed and in the fridge, all you have to do is warm them in water and I have the swaddling clothes in-" he cut me off with a soft peck on the forehead "I've got this, go take care of yourself" I nodded with a smile.

first I took a shower, then I put in a load of laundry, then I came a sandwich for me and Seungmin. I did some vacuuming, I took a nap and even had time to put on a face mask all in 4 hours. 

I felt so much better!

I told Seungmin that he could finish moving his boxes over cause I felt better. he agreed and went back to his shared apartment 

I was hovering over Ji Ah's crib when he finished and came into the nursery, slowly wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his chin on my shoulder and staring down at our child 

"I'm glad I can be around to watch this little flower grow," he said softly, reaching one of his hands up to play with her small little fingers. which she loved cause she giggles with this big goofy smile on her face 

"she looks like you," he said and I shook my head "you're just saying that I don't see myself in her" I spoke looking into my baby's eyes

"that's cause you're not looking hard enough," he said straightening up before continuing. "she has your bright eyes, your smile, and I can already see she's going to have a similar personality to yours" he spoke softly and I smiled setting the now sleeping child back in her crib

I turn to my Fiancee and wrap my arms around his neck "let's just hope she's not as stupid as I was" I spoke softly so I wouldn't wake the child.

he leaned into my face, about to place a kiss on my lips but before he does he whispers "I'm praying she grows up to be as strong as you" he spoke before placing a kiss on my lips, it was soft, loving and affectionate. 

I loved the feeling of being in his arms when he held me it felt like I didn't have a care in the world. 

our make-out session was cut short when my watch started beeping. "what's that?" he asked softly, out of breath and so was I. "it's time to leave and pick up Jun" I said trying to cool off. "you stay here, his stepdad will pick him up" he said with a big childlike smile. "you're not his stepdad yet" I exclaimed as he made his way out the nursery then out the front door.

I smile at his childish side as I sat on me and Seungmin's now shared bed. I brush my hand across the bedding straightening out the wrinkles as I think back. if he wasn't in that elevator that day I don't know what would've happened to me.

if I never met him we would've never shared these precious moments that we have together. the love I have for him than anything I've ever felt for Mac. but looking back on it I don't think I ever really had feelings for Mac

he was the school's playboy and he made a bet with a senior that he could have sex with every girl in school, he played his tricks on me and I fell for it when he told me he truly loved me and nothing else mattered.

but once we had sex he left me and moved on. when I told him I was pregnant he slapped me. if it wasn't for his parents, he would've left me bleeding in an ally if it meant he never had to see me again.

so we got married as soon as I turned 18. he never helped out with Jun and every time I came home after him there was always a new woman in our bed. he abused me cause he was mad I took away his freedom, just then Jun came running through the door with a piece of paper in hand. he handed it to me with a big smile "happy mothers day!" he exclaimed. I checked the date and sure enough, it was mothers day

I smile and picked him up, setting him on my lap and taking the card and reading it. 

"thank you for being so strong and loving you're the best mom ever!" such a simple phrase made me so happy, I held him close "thank you for being such an amazing son," I said with a big smile as I released him from the hug.

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