Chapter 14

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today was the big day and to say I was nervous would be an understatement. yes I loved Seungmin, but marriage is a big step. and I know it's terrible for me to have the fear that this marriage will end up like my last, but I can't help but think that.

but so many different thoughts run through my mind as I stand there, me and my father's arms linked. he sees me struggling so he leans down and whispers in my ear "it'll be okay baby, I can feel it!" that's when I calmed down. 

my father always follows his gut and over half the time it's correct so it helped to calm me down, just then as I was claiming down my thoughts the big white doors in the church opened revealing the bride to the handsome groom.

I scan the crowd and meet the eyes of multiple shocked guests. I smiled when I met eyes with 8 boys who live on the floor above mine. and beside them, I could see my mother who insisted to know the color scheme of the wedding so she could dress accordingly.

I smile bigger when I see a friend of mine from high school helping Ji Ah toss the flower petals. she flew to Korea without knowing a bit of Korean just cause she found out I was getting married again. she was mad at me when I married Mac cause she knew he was a terrible man. but today she seems pleased

which makes me happy beyond words

my father kisses my cheek as he handed me off to my soon to be husband. we held hands and looked into each other's eyes. it's hard to believe that I once doubted if he liked me back, or that I doubted if we should even be together considering he was 3 years younger then me and he had his entire life ahead of him, and I couldn't forgive myself if I ruined it

but in these last 2 months, he's shown me that he'd go to the ends of the earth to make sure I was happy. he's also proven to me many times that he wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world when I'm in his arms. 

I was so caught up in my thought I almost didn't hear when the preacher asked me the big question "I do!" I said smiling as I continue to stare into those beautiful brown eyes that I can now stare into every single day. just the thought of it made me slightly blush and smile. 

then the preacher asked him the same question "I do!" was his response and my smile got wider! just then Jun walked up to us with the rings on a pure white pillow. I kissed his forehead with a thank you as we took the rings and put them on each other's fingers.

"you may now kiss the bride," the preacher said, I placed both my hands on either side of his face as he leaned in and kissed me, he wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed me

he picked me up and spun around with my feet in the air and our lips still connected. our lips parted as he set me down and I couldn't help but tear up at the fact I just married the man of my dreams.

"I'm so lucky to have you!" I said leaning into his embrace. "no, I'm so lucky to have you," he said softly. the wedding continued after we parted. it was killed with a few congrats and a few gifts. a lot of people said they were happy for us, we were happy for us too.

we all got plates of food and sat down at our table. I smile at the people at our table, my mother and father, along with brother and 2 children. I couldn't be happier!

I was waiting for everyone to finish, we ate the main course and even started on to desert. soon I started to see people leave so I stood taking my knife that I made sure not to use, and tapped my full wine glass that I didn't dare to drink.

"if I could have your attention, I'd like to make a toast!" I said turning back around to lock eyes with my husband. 

"to my amazing husband who was willing to marry me with all my scars from my past marriage. and who's willing to marry a woman who has 3 kids." I said Seungmin looked confused "Y/n we only have 2 kids," he said with a nervous laugh standing up to be beside me

"oh you're right, that's my bad, a woman with 2 kids and one on the way!" I and his eyes widened as I set the wine glass down, then turned towards him once again. "Seungmin I'm pregnant, and it's yours!" I said with a big smile and teary eyes from all the excitement he embraced me and I could feel all the joy and love radiating off him, and I could feel the tears on my dress my I didn't mind as I wrapped my arms around him.

he pulls away and I smile at him once I see his wet eyes. I reached up and wiped away the tears "I love you Seungmin" I said with a soft tone and a soft smile to match 

"I will always Love you Y/n" is what he responded with and I couldn't be happier. suddenly as we were staring into each other's eyes we heard the crowd erupt with cheers and applause 

I smile as I look into the eyes of the one who started the chain of clapping. Chan. the best brother any girl could ask for.

I move away from Seungmin and walk towards Chan with a thankful smile displayed on my lips. I embrace him "thank you or always being there for me," I said into his ear and as I pulled away he responded "thank you for being an amazing example to me growing up, you faced hell but continued fighting even when you saw no future" 

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