Fluttershys confession

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Fluttershy  was  at  home  at  her cottage in ponyvill  and was petting  Angle  bunny  she  was  bored and  couldn't  really  think  of  anything  to  do.  she  turned  over  to One  of  the  windows  in  her  cottage and saw that the other  pegasie  were  putting  rain clouds  her  ears fell  and  sighed  and looked  down  at  angle  bunny "well  I guess  going  on  a  nice  trot  isn't  an option  anymore ..."  She  said  with  a sigh angle  bunny  sighed  as  well. Suddenly  a  knock  could  be  herd at the  door  Fluttershy  looked down at angle  bunny  "I  wonder  who that could  be" she  got up and trotted to the door to answer it. She  opened  the door  only  to  reveal  that  it  was Discord  she  smiled  a  bit " hello  discord " disord  smiled  as  well  "hello  Fluttershy".  Fluttershy  then looked  up  at  the  clouds  and  ears her fell " you  should come inside it looks like it's about to poor" discord  nodded  "agreed" Fluttershy  trotted back  in  leaving  the  door  open  for disord  to  come  in. Discord  followed shutting  the  Door behind  him "would  you  like  some  tea  and honey  sandwiches ?" Fluttershy   asked  with  a  smile  "yes  please  that sounds  wonderful  right  about  now !" He  replied  Fluttershy  gigged a  bit  " alright  I'll get that ready make yourself at home " she smiled  disord  nodded  and  sat  on  the  couch  in the living room "thank you my dear". A couple  minutes  later Fluttershy came back  out  of  the kitchen with a tray full of  sandwiches and tea.  and  sat  it down  on  the  table  and  smiled "wow  this  looks  amazing  Fluttershy" she smiled " thanks " she said  Fluttershy  was  going  to  grab  a sandwich  when  discords  paw  was on  top  of  her  hoof  she  looked  up  at  him  blushing  a  little  disord was doing the same he quickly took his paw  away  still blushing " s-sorry ..." " It's ok " Fluttershy  replied  still blushing  in shock.  she  took  a sandwich  and  started  eating  discord did  the  same  a  little  while  after they  finished  eating  they  started  a conversation "so how are you today ?"  Discord  asked  " good " she replied  smiling  a bit she then  looked out  the  window  and thought to herself " should  I  finally  tell  him ? ... "  watching as the rain poor  her  ears  fell  as  she  did disord noticed  that  something  was bothering  her  but  what  could  it be ? .. it  looked  like  she  had  something  to  tell  him   "Fluttershy  is  there  something  you need  to  tell  me ? ...  " His  ears  fell. She  then  sighed  and  turned  to  him " yes  there  is  actually ... " discord  nodded  and  started  listening  to what  she  had  to  say  " you  know that  we've  been  best  friends  for  a long  time  right ? " Discord  nodded. She  sighed " well  When  we  first became  friends  and  I  reformed  you and  started  having  our  tea  parties  and  after  getting  to  know  you  I started  gaining  feeling's  for  you  and  at  first  I  didn't  know  what  to think  was  it  normal  for  me  to  feel this way around you but then I realized that ... I-I love you ... " Discord blushed " really ? " She  rubbed  her arm  and  slowly  nodded " mhmm ... " Discord  smiled  a  bit  "I  love  you  too ... It  took  me  a  while  to  finally realize  it  and  admit it  too  myself " Fluttershy  Blushed  and  smiled. twilight  was  at  the  window watching  and  she  smiled "  I  knew  it ..." She  walked  off  leaving  the  two alone "say  are  you  free  tonight ?" Disord  asked  Fluttershy  nodded  and smiled  " yes  I  sure  am " he smiled "excellent ! how would you feel if we went on a date tonight ?" He smiled  " I  would  love  too" she replied  disord smiled " perfect  I'll  see  you  tonight my  butterfly "  he  kissed  her  cheek before  teloporting  off  Fluttershy  sat there  blushing  " I'll See you tonight ..." She smiled.

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