the split up / the Lord of Chaos's return

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The next morning fluttershy and Discord were asleep cuddling each other.

Discord was the first one to wake up he yawnd and sat up and he noticed fluttershy was still asleep. he smiled a bit and gently kissed her cheek before getting out of bed.

Fluttershy Blushed a bit and smiled as she slept Discord smiled and walked over to his mirror to get ready for the day.

Chaos appeared in his reflection glaring at him discord rolled his eyes and just ignored him.

Chaos continued glaring " you know something ? you've become soft ! Because of that Pony you let her turn you from a fearful Lord of Chaos to a soft goody tissue ! " Discord simple just ignored him and continued his business.

Chaos Growled and then got an idea and grinned " If me talking to you won't work then maybe this will ..."
Discord looked at him and raised a brow.

Chaos chucked " I know your biggest fear Discord .... " Discord was confused " what are you talking about ? " He glared at him.

Chaos grinned " your afraid of losing her .... " He chucked " well I hate to break it to you but unlike you she's not immortal she probably only has a good 50 to 60 years left to live and we both know how fast that will go .... You can't always save her with your tears " discord ears fell.

Chaos chuckled once more " she's gonna die naturally one day .... And you won't be able to save her and then you'll be alone forever with no one to love ... So If I were you ... I would leave her ... That way you'll never have to feel the pain of losing her "

Discord eye's widened and he slowly backed away " Y-Your right .... She won't be around forever .... And I want her too I can't imagine losing her ... " His ears remained down.

Chaos smirked " your answer to that is simple .... Let her go .... That way you'll never have to feel the pain " He grinned.

Discord looked over at her his ear fell he sighed before walking downstairs.

Chaos chucked " there's a good lad ... Now all we have to do is make you angry .... Or upset Wich ever comes first .... " He grinned.

Fluttershy slowly opend her Eye's and yawnd. she smiled and Turned over to Discord " Good morning my lov-" discord wasn't there " discord ? ... " Her ears fell.

Discord was on the couch sitting staring off fluttershy got out of bed and flew downstairs.

She noticed disord on the couch and her ears fell " discord ? ... " She flew up to him.

Discord ears fell fluttershy noticed and her ears fell as well " Discord are you ok sweetheart ? .... " She asked worried.

Discord sighed " fluttershy .... I think we should split up .... " his ears remained down he Looked down not even looking at her in the Eye's.

Fluttershy eyes widened " w-what ? ... You want to split up ? ... " She teared up a little.

Discord signed " listen I'm only doing This to protect you I- " fluttershy shook her head in disappointment and left the house and flew through the portal to ponyville.

Discord Ears fell and he Sighed and he  Looked down at his paw he then Glared at it " if I can't have her .... " A sound of thunder went off followed by a lighting bolt " then no one can ... " He continued glaring.

Meanwhile in ponyville fluttershy was walking through ponyville wiping her tears she sat on the  grass in the Park
" was it me ? Did I do something to upset him ? Why did he break up with me ? ... "  she started picking at the grass sobing a little.

Discord got up and left the house teleporting himself to canterlot he opened the doors and entered.

Twiight noticed " oh hey disord- " Discord simple walked past her not paying any attention her and went straight to the throne room.

Twiight Ears fell " Discord ? ... " He continued walking to the throne room ready to attack anyone who standed on his way.

 " He continued walking to the throne room ready to attack anyone who standed on his way

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Twiight eyes widened " uh oh .... I need to get fluttershy !  " she quickly ran before bumping into spike.

"Oof ! " They both fell on the floor twiight got up " sorry spike ... " Spike got up as well brushing himself off
"it's fine " he smiled a bit

she noticed a little box " what's that for ? " Spike blushed and immediately hid it " nothing ! " He chucked nervously.

Twiight raised a brow "alright then ... Anyway something happened and I think Discord is planning something I need you to talk some sense into him !"

Spikes side scales fell " why ? " Twiight sighed " I need to get fluttershy he need her more than anything I need you to try and talk some sense into him your his best friend ! " Her ears fell

Spike did a little salute " I'll do my best ! " He quickly ran to the throne room twilight ran out of the castle.

Meanwhile fluttershy was still laying on the grass picking at it crying a little when twiight flew through ponyville " has anyone seen fluttershy I'm looking for her ! " she was rushing

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Meanwhile fluttershy was still laying on the grass picking at it crying a little when twiight flew through ponyville " has anyone seen fluttershy I'm looking for her ! " she was rushing.

Fluttershy looked up " T-Twiight ? " Continue flying through ponyville " fluttershy !? Flutter-" twiight noticed her she Gasped " fluttershy ! " She flew down to her.

She was relieved to find her
" Fluttershy there you are ! " Fluttershy ears fell " twiight ? What's going on ? " Twiight ears fell " it's Discord he lost control he barged through canterlot and went to the throne room and !- " suddenly  lighting went off followed by a loud thunder it started raining chocolate milk.

Twiight sighed " now he's Lost it .... I need your help your the only one who can talk some sense Into him ! " Fluttershy slowly backed up and her ears fell " I-i ... -" Twilight interupted " fluttershy he needs you !!! ... " She sighed. " He needs to I more than  anything or anyone ... "
Twiight ears fell.

Fluttershy sighed Looked at her And nodded " then let's go save my discord .... " she smiled a bit twiight smiled back.

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