chaos defeat

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Spike rain into the throne room "discord what in all of Equestria are you doing !?" Disord turned over to the green dragon.

Spike continued " Discord this isn't cool you need to stop ! Why are you doing this ? " Discord Glared at him.

Spike scales fell Discord continued glaring. " because if I can't have fluttershy in my life forever .... Then there's no point in being known as a good guy ... And me being reformed was a huge mistake ... " He clutched his fist and growled a little.

Spike sighed " but do you think this is what she'd want ? ... You to cause Chaos and go nuts because of her ? ... " Chaos Growled.

He then whispered in discord ear " don't listen to him he's trying to get to you ! " Discord ears fell.

"Well ? " Spike asked. Discord ears remained down he has no response.

Spike folded his arm's Discord then looked down at him and Growled " nuts ? You honestly think I'm nuts !? " Spike scales fell.

Chaos grinned " Finnish him he's been a distraction long enough ! " Discord Glared at him.

Then his paws beginning glowing
"Sorry to have to do this spike " he then electrocuted him.

Spike Gasped " Ah ! " He then fell to the ground burnt.

Discord Sighed when suddenly the castle doors burst opened " Discord you have to stop ! " Them entered twiight.

Discord raised a brow " oh great the nerd is back " twiight rolled her eyes ignoring that comment.

Discord Glared " anyway what do you want Sparkle ? " Twiight looked up at him.

She Glared at him " I came to stop you" Discord stared at her silently before bursting out laughing.

" You came to stop me !? " He continued laughing twiight Glared at him.

" Yes I did but I'm not alone there's someone who want to see you " she then gestured over at the door.

Discord raised a brow then fluttershy entered the room his eyes then widened.

He was shocked " F-fluttershy ? " His Ears fell he now felt guilty.

Fluttershy slowly walked twords him "W-what are you doing ? ... " Her ears fell.

Disord ears fell as " this isn't my Discord .... What happened to him ? ... " she continued walking twords him.

" Where's my Discord who would always make me laugh at our Tuesday tea partys ? Where's my discord that saved me and the others from the changing hive and from a magic shot from king sombra ? Where's the discord who would go out of his way to please me ? ... " She teared up a little.

Discord looked at her his ears remained down " I want him back .... Please ... " Tears were running down her cheeks.

Discord sighed before looking away " he's gone ... " Chaos grinned.

Fluttershy ears fell " why ? Why is he gone ? What happened to make him go ? " She asked.

Discord sighed " fear ... Fear made him go away ... " He teared up a little.

"Fear of what ? ... " Fluttershy asked worried her Ears remaining down.

Discord wimpered a little " fear of losing the love of his life ... And not being able to bring her back and being alone ... "

Fluttershy ears were still down " oh discord ... " She flew up to him Discord tears remained In his eyes.

She then gently placed a hoof on his cheek " don't you see ? I'm right here .... " He took his paw and placed it on her chest " I'm still alive I'm ok you have to believe that ... " She teared up a little.

Discord Blushed a little before his ears fell " but ... Your not Immortal ... Your going to leave me someday ... And then what will I do ? I'll be alone and I've had enough of being alone ... "

Discord looked away from her  she sighed " I know ... But ... It's going to happen one day ... I'm going to die ... But you know something ? ... "

Discord looked at her " huh ? " fluttershy ears fell " I'm scared ... I'm scared about you ... I scared about what will happen to you ... When the day dose come ... " Discord ears fell.

Chaos growled Discord ears fell before hugging her fluttershy teared up and Snuggled onto his chest fur.

Discord Sighed " Shhh I know ... It's ok ... " He then looked out the window and saw all the damage he had caused .

His ears fell and then he snapped his fingers causing it to stop and fixing all the damage that happened .

Chaos Growled and cluched his fist Discord continued hugging fluttershy holding her tightly while doing so.

Fluttershy snuggled him in his arms wimpering "  I'm so sorry ... " he said tearing up a little.

Fluttershy looked up at him and Nuzzled him " shh it's ok .... " Discord smiled a bit and Nuzzled back.

Fluttershy smiled a bit " I love you ... " Discord smiled back " I love you too ... " He gently kissed her forehead.

Fluttershy Blushed a little and smiled a bit Chaos Growled and his paw began to glow and was ready to blast the couple.

Fluttershy and Discord both noticed and gasped then a magic beam was blasted right at them before discord snapped his fingers blocking it

Chaos eyes widened " impossible !" Discord Growled Chaos ear fell and he chucked Nervously.

Discord got up and walked over to a glass window where his reflection glaring at him Chaos ears fell.

Discord Growled " you made me hurt my friend ....  tried to take her away from me .... And took control of me .. " He then snapped his fingers chaos gasped and with that the window broke and some magic dust faded with the wind chaos was no more.

He then looked over to fluttershy " you alright ? " Fluttershy looked at him and and nodded " Mhm ... " She smiled a bit

He walked over to her and picked her up and held her in his amrs " good ... " Fluttershy smiled a little and Snuggled him.

He then looked over to twiight " sorry about talking over your casstle and the window I'll fix it " twiight nodded and smiled forgiving him.

He then looked over to spike and his Ears fell and used his magic and healed him.

Spike slowly sat up holding the side of his head " ugh ... What happened ? ... " Twiight gasped " spike ! He flew up to him and hugged him he smiled a bit and hugged back.

Discord sighed " sorry about hurting you spike ... I wasn't thinking right ... " Spike smiled a bit " it's alright were still Bud's ... " Discord smiled a bit.

Discord looked at fluttershy " and as for you .... I'm sorry I left you ... I'm sorry I broke your heart ... I'm sorry about all of this ... Can you forgive me ? ... " his ears fell and gently rubbed hia paw on her cheek.

Fluttershy Blushed a little and smiles and Nuzzled him " I already do ... " He smiled and purred nuzzling back happily.

Twilight and spike looked at each other and smiled

Discord smiled " come on let's go home ... " Fluttershy nodded and with that a portal to his dimension opened and they both left.

Twiight smiled " Sooo ... What was in the box ? " She smirked.

Spike immediately Blushed " W-well ..." He sighed " it's a gift for Applejack I was on my way to give it to her then you told me about Discord ... "

Twiight smiled " aww ... Well I'm sure she'll love it ... " She smiled.

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